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2023 CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence Annual Milestones

December 31, 2023

过去的一年里,西湖大学工学院先进神经芯片中心(CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence)在学术领域持续展现探索与创新的精神。为了珍藏这段充满挑战与收获的时光,我们特别筛选出了今年最具代表性的新闻和照片,邀请您与我们共同回顾CenBRAIN Neurotech在2023年创造的那些精彩瞬间。

Over the past year,CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence (CenBRAIN Neurotech), has consistently demonstrated a spirit of exploration and innovation in the academic field. To preserve this period filled with challenges and achievements, we have carefully selected the most representative news and photos of the year. We cordially invite you to join us in reviewing those splendid moments created by CenBRAIN Neurotech in 2023.

1.成功举办国际学术会议:第五届IEEE人工智能电路与系统国际会议/The 5thIEEE AICAS Conference

2023年6月,先进神经芯片中心成功协助IEEE承办“第五届IEEE人工智能电路与系统国际会议”(简称IEEE AICAS 2023)。本届AICAS是首次在中国大陆举办,由西湖大学讲席教授,先进神经芯片中心首席科学家Mohamad Sawan院士担任大会主席。本次会议从AI芯片和算法设计、神经形态电路、智能生物医疗传感器和学习算法等方面进行讨论,包括特邀演讲和论文展示等环节,现场参与人数来自8个国家,超过180人次。来自坦佩雷大学的Moncef Gabbouj院士,苏黎世联邦理工大学的Giacomo Indiveri 教授以及北京大学的杨玉超教授分别做了大会主旨报告。先进神经芯片中心博士生陈锦波,沈子扬和王浚哲的文章和海报也被该会收录。本中心成员协助会议组委会担任志愿者工作,携力为国内外杰出科学家搭建了一个良好的交流与合作平台。

In June 2023, CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence successfully assisted IEEE in hosting the "5th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems" (IEEE AICAS’23). This edition of AICAS marked the first time the conference was held in mainland China, with Academy Professor Mohamad Sawan, Chair Professor at Westlake University and founding director of CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence, serving as the conference chair. The conference covered discussions on various fields, including AI chip and algorithm design, neural morphological circuits, intelligent biomedical sensors, and learning algorithms. The agenda included keynote sessions and paper presentations. This event saw participation from over 180 individuals representing 8 countries. Distinguished speakers at the conference included Professor Moncef Gabbouj from Tampere University, Professor Giacomo Indiveri from ETH Zurich, and Professor Yuchao Yang from Peking University, each delivering a keynote address. Two papers and one poster from our center’s Ph.D students, Jinbo Chen, Ziyang Shen and Junzhe Wang, were accepted in this conference. Other CenBRAINers assisted the conference organizing committee as volunteers, to build a fantastic platform for communication and cooperation with outstanding scientists.

2.先进神经芯片中心落成仪式/ Inauguration Ceremony of CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence

西湖大学先进神经芯片中心(CenBRAIN Neurotech)于2023年4月24日举行了云谷校区院级研究中心落成仪式,这项活动是为了庆祝先进神经芯片实验室荣升院级先进神经芯片中心。西湖大学校长施一公教授,校长助理Michael Reed博士和讲席教授谢伟等嘉宾应邀出席参加落成仪式。先进神经芯片中心首席科学家Mohamad Sawan教授致开幕词,向来宾介绍了本中心在脑机接口,生物传感和器官芯片等领域的众多代表性学术成果,并明确了本中心2023年及未来5年的工作规划和关键任务。

On April 24, 2023, the CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence held the lab inauguration ceremony for at the Yungu Campus. This event celebrates the upgrading of our center to a school-level experimental platform. Professor Yigong Shi, President of Westlake University, Dr. Michael Reed, Associate Vice President of Westlake University, and distinguished guests such as Chair Professor William Shieh, were invited to attend. Chair Professor Mohamad Sawan delivered the opening speech and presented numerous representative academic achievements of our center in various fields such as brain-machine interfaces, biosensors, and organ-on-chip, and also defined the center's work plan and key tasks for 2023 and the next five years.

3.成功举办第三届先进神经芯片中心年度学术研讨会/3rdCenBRAIN Neurotech AnnualWorkshop(CNAW’23)

2023年8月10日至12日,西湖大学先进神经芯片中心第三届学术研讨会(CNAW'23)在浙江绍兴顺利召开。本中心团队人员与来自5所科研院校的专家学者,共计60余位参加会议。先进神经芯片中心学术研讨会是一个的创新平台,旨在促进来自基础科学、生命科学和工程学领域的与会者之间的讨论。本届新增的主题讨论(Panel Discussion)环节,让我们见证了不同领域间多样性学术观点的碰撞与融合,呈现出本中心跨学科研究的独特魅力。

CenBRAIN Neurotech Annual Workshop (CNAW’23) was successfully held from August 10th to 12th in Shaoxing city, Zhejiang Province, China. The event brought together team members from the center and more than 60 experts and scholars from five research institutions. CNAW serves as an innovative platform aimed at fostering discussions among participants from the fields of basic science, life science, and engineering. The addition of a new panel discussion session in this year allowed us to witness the collision and integration of diverse academic perspectives across different domains, showcasing the unique beauty of interdisciplinary research at our center.

4. 23先进神经芯片中心学术讲座活动/23 CenBRAIN Neurotech Leading Lectures

先进神经芯片中心专题学术讲座(CELLS)作为本中心高水平的学术交流活动之一,从2022年10月开始,至今已成功举办23场多研究领域的专家讲座,校内外听众累计超过570人,获得了良好的反响。我们特邀来自国内外众多高校院所的23位杰出教授和学者,分享他们在生物工程学、脑机接口、集成电路、器官芯片、神经信号收集和处理等领域取得的令人瞩目的学术成就。除此之外,我们还联合西湖大学名师论坛和西湖工程讲座邀请了四位知名教授,分别是Moncef Gabbouj教授,连勇教授,Giacomo Indiveri 教授和徐政和教授,为西湖学子们带来精彩绝伦的学术讲座。

CenBRAIN Neurotech Leading Lectures (CELLS)as one of the center's high-level technical activities, has been successfully held since October 2022. To date, 23 expert lectures spanning various research fields have been conducted, attracting a cumulative audience of over 570 participants from both within and outside the university, and received favorable responses. We have had the privilege of inviting 23 distinguished professors and scholars from numerous domestic and international universities and research institutions. They shared their remarkable academic achievements in various areas such as bioengineering, brain-machine interfaces, integrated circuits, organ-on-chip, and biosignals recording and processing. In addition, in collaboration with the West Lake University Distinguished Lecture Series and the West Lake Engineering Lectures, we have hosted four academicians as keynote speakers, Prof Moncef Gabbouj, Prof Yong Lian, Prof Giacomo Indiveri and Prof Xu Zhenghe Xu, delivering outstanding academic lectures for the students at betway必威棋牌登录

5.重要专家访问交流活动/ Visiting activities of key experts


CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence has hosted more than ten academic visit activities this year, including delegations from the National Development and Reform Commission, a leadership delegation from Beihang University, and a delegation from the Russian Quantum Center, among others. These visit activities have facilitated mutual connections between the center and delegations from diverse sectors, laying a solid foundation for further academic communications and research collaborations between them.

6.受邀演讲和媒体访谈/Invited Keynotes and media interviews

Mohamad Sawan院士在过去一年里积极参加多个国内外学术会议,并受邀发表演讲。他的演讲聚焦于西湖大学先进神经芯片中心(CenBRAIN Neurotech)所进行的跨领域多样化研究,包括脑机接口技术和其他生物医学方向的众多成果。这一系列的演讲向公众展示了人工智能和智能医疗器械的巨大潜力。同时,Sawan院士通过受邀接受中国国际电视台、中央电视台以及浙江卫视等官方媒体的采访,强调脑机接口技术在医疗健康应用领域具有巨大的未来潜力。

Chair Professor Mohamad Sawan has actively participated in numerous domestic and international academic conferences and has been invited to deliver speeches over the past year. His presentations focused on the interdisciplinary and diverse research conducted at the CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence. These keynotes encompassed a wide range of fields, including brain-machine interface technology and various achievements in biomedical sciences. This series of lectures serves to showcase to the public the tremendous potential of artificial intelligence and intelligent medical devices. Additionally, Chair Professor Sawan has been interviewed by official TV stations, such as China Global Television Network (CGTV), China Central Television, and Zhejiang TV, urging society to pay more attention to future medical and health issues related to brain-machine interfaces.

7.第一份先进神经芯片中心年度报告/First annual report of the CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence


Recently, we proudly present the first annual report of CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence. This comprehensive and detailed report chronicles the research achievements and member introductions of both ours and collaborative laboratories for the 2022-2023 year. The primary objective in compiling this report was to meticulously document the diverse interdisciplinary research activities involving multiple collaborators. Ultimately, our aim is to propel the CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence towards substantial and far-reaching development through collaboration with research teams both within and outside the university. The report will be made publicly available on January 11, 2024, coinciding with the center's fifth-anniversary celebration.


This year, the team at the CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence has expanded to 45 members, including 3 new postdoctoral researchers, two doctoral newcomers, as well as several research assistants and engineers. In terms of talent development, we are delighted to announce the promotion of Dr. Sumin Bian from Assistant Researcher to Associate Researcher, and the center also proudly boasts 13 Ph.D students who received university-level scholarships and various university-level honors. Additionally, we warmly welcome two Ph.D graduates, Shiqi Zhao, and Yi Su. Dr. Zhao has taken up a position as an Assistant Professor at Northeastern University, while Dr. Su has chosen to join the center's postdoctoral team, dedicated to furthering their career in academia. These underscore our center's unwavering commitment and successful practices in nurturing outstanding academic talents.

在科研方面,本中心今年取得了令人瞩目的成果,新增了1篇书刊文章(专著章节)、6项专利和逾50篇国际学术期刊和会议文章。这些期刊论文分别被《Neural Networks》、《Expert Systems with Applications》、《Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis》以及《IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems》等知名期刊收录。

此外,先进神经芯片中心的博士生陈锦波、沈子扬和王浚哲的文章和海报被收录于2023年IEEE人工智能电路与系统国际会议(IEEE AICAS’23)。几个月后,博士生吴迪、陈锦波、邹文俊和王浚哲的文章和海报也被纳入了2023年IEEE生物医学电路与系统会议(IEEE BioCAS’23)的收录。Mohamad Sawan教授带领学生赴加拿大多伦多参加了该会议。这充分展示了本中心在相关研究领域的学术影响力。

In terms of research achievements, our center has made remarkable progress in this year, adding one book chapter, securing six patents, and publishing over fifty international academic journal and conference papers. The journal papers have been accepted in renowned publications such asNeural Networks,Expert Systems with Applications,Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, andIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems.

Besides, 2 articles and 1 poster authored by Ph.D students Jinbo Chen, Ziyang Shen, and Junzhe Wang from our center were included in the proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems International Conference (IEEE AICAS’23). A few months later, 3 papers and 1 poster from students Di Wu, Jinbo Chen, Wenjun Zou, and Junzhe Wang were featured in the proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (IEEE BioCAS’23). Professor Mohamad Sawan led the students to attend this conference in Toronto, Canada. All these achievements highlight the significant impact of the center in the relevant research fields.


Looking ahead, we will persistently dedicate ourselves, infusing even more passionate energy and innovative inspiration. Our commitment is directed towards propelling the CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence to achieve even greater fabulous in the realms of academia, research, and talent development.
