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Great Success of the Fifth Anniversary Celebration of CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence

January 11, 2024



2024年1月11日,西湖大学先进神经芯片中心(CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence)于杭州万怡酒店隆重举办成立五周年纪念活动。本次活动由西湖大学讲席教授、先进神经芯片中心首席科学家Mohamad Sawan院士主持,七十余位校内外教授和学者受邀共襄盛举。

On January 11th, 2024, CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence held a grand celebration of its fifth anniversary at the Wanyi Hotel in Hangzhou. The event was hosted by Chair Professor Mohamad Sawan, Founding director of CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence, with the presence of over seventy professors and scholars from within and outside the betway必威棋牌登录

Mohamad Sawan院士在开幕词中寄语,CenBRAIN Neurotech在过去五年中一直致力于生物医学工程领域,坚持创新合作的科研理念,践行多领域交叉学术研究。他希望借此契机,向各位嘉宾学者汇报中心近年来的各项创新性研究,并积极呼吁与各方取得更多的科研合作。

In his opening speech, Chair Professor Sawan expressed that over the past five years, CenBRAIN Neurotech has been dedicated to the field of biomedical engineering, upholding a philosophy of innovative collaboration, and engaging in interdisciplinary academic research. He took this opportunity to report on the center's innovative research in recent years and actively called for increased collaboration with various partners.

随后,西湖大学研究员荣国光、副研究员杨杰和卞素敏,助理研究员陈运萱和Fateh Ullah, 博士后Razieh Eskandari和Zina Fredj分别围绕《塔姆等离激元与生物传感应用》、《脑机接口与类脑芯片领域的代表性成果》、《新型生物传感技术在传染性疾病和脑疾病中的应用》、《健康医疗领域的神经成像研究》、《基于忆阻器的存内计算研究》、《植入大脑的无线收发机研究》以及《用于神经递质监测的创新性研究》等话题展开了精彩纷呈的报告。

Subsequently, research professors and postdoctoral fellows from Westlake University, including Guoguang Rong, Jie Yang, Sumin Bian, Yun-Hsuan Chen, Fateh Ullah, Razieh Eskandari, and Zina Fredj, delivered captivating presentations on topics, such as "Tamm Plasmon Polariton and Biosensing Applications," "Representative Achievements in Brain-Machine Interfaces and Neuromorphic Chip Fields," "Biosensors for Studying Infectious and Brain Diseases ," "Neuroimaging for Better Wellbeing," "Memories with Memristors," "Wireless Transceivers for Brain Implants," and "Innovative Strategies for Neurotransmitters Monitoring."


During the poster show of this celebration, we showcased award-winning works from our center's members in the first School of Engineering Poster Competition. The displayed posters representing the latest achievements in various fields received enthusiastic feedback from attendees, creating a vibrant academic atmosphere. Finally, appreciation certificates were presented to eleven members who have been part of the center for the full five years, expressing gratitude for their relentless efforts and outstanding contributions.



We sincerely thank everyone contributed to the success of CenBRAIN Neurotech, all attendees our 5thanniversary ceremony including colleagues’ collaborators, students and staffs who contributed and witnessed the growth of the CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence. Upholding the academic principles of "Innovate and Collaborate" ensuring the advancement of neurotechnolgies and making greater contributions to the wellbeing of humanity.
