
王伟,1992年生,浙江嘉兴人。2015年本科毕业于大连理工大学力学系,2018年硕士毕业于清华大学力学系,2024年获得美国康奈尔大学机械工程系博士学位。之后继续在康奈尔大学进行博士后研究。 曾获得KIC研究生奖学金,国家优秀自费留学生奖学金等。 将于2025年初加入西湖大学,担任工学院助理教授(独立PI、博士生导师)。
王伟博士的研究方向主要集中在将集成电路与微纳尺度驱动器相结合的智能微纳机器人。机器人的小型化主要取决于电子器件和机械结构的小型化,尽管在过去几十年中,电子器件的小型化取得了显著进展,但对于机械结构的小型化研究仍然相对不足。基于此,王伟博士深入研究了微纳尺度上的致动器,并将其与CMOS集成电路结合,成功制造出微米尺度的智能机器人。他的研究成果发表在Nature、Nature Materials、Science Robotics、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences、Nano Letters和Lab on a Chip等国际顶级期刊上,并且被Cornell Chronicle、Nature Physics、Scientific American和MIT Technology Review等媒体报道。
完整论文列表见Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zpvZTVcAAAAJ&hl=en
1. Taghavi, M#, Wang, W. #, Shim, K., Zhang, J., Cohen, I. and Apsel, A, 2024, Coordinated behavior of autonomous microscopic machines through local electronic pulse coupling. (In Revision, #equal contribution)
2. Wang, W., Tanasijevic, I., Zhang, J., Lauga, E., and Cohen, I., 2024, Electronically actuated artificial hinged cilia for efficient bidirectional pumping. Lab on a Chip, DOI: 10.1039/D4LC00513A.
3. Liu, Q. #, Wang, W. #, Sinhmar, H., Griniasty, I., Kim, J., Pelster, J., Chaudhari, P., Reynolds, M.F., Cao, M.C., Muller, D.A., Apsel, A, M.F., Abbott, N.L., Kress-Gazit, H., McEuen, P.L. and Cohen, I., 2024, Electronically configurable microscopic metasheet robots. Nature Materials. (Accepted) (*equal contribution)
4. Bao, N., Liu, Q., Reynolds, M.F., Figueras, M., Smith, E., Wang, W., Cao, M.C., Muller, D.A., Mavrikakis, M., Cohen, I., McEuen, P.L. and Abbott, N.L., 2023, Gas-phase microactuation using kinetically controlled surface states of ultrathin catalytic sheets. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(19), e2221740120.
5. Reynolds, M.F., Cortese, A.J., Liu, Q., Zheng, Z., Wang, W., Norris, S.L., Lee, S.W., Miskin, M.Z., Molnar, A.C., Cohen, I., McEuen, P.L., 2022, Microscopic Robots with Onboard Digital Control. Science Robotics, 7(70). (Selected as the cover)
6. Wang, W., Liu, Q., Tanasijevic, I., Reynolds, M.F., Cortese, A.J., Miskin, M.Z., Cao, M.C., Muller, D.A., Molnar, A.C., Lauga, E., McEuen, P.L. and Cohen, I., 2022, Cilia metasurfaces for electronically programmable microfluidic manipulation. Nature, 605, 681–686 (2022). (Selected as the cover, highlighted by Cornell Chronicle, Nature Physics, Scientific American, MIT Technology Review, NSF MRSEC and et al)
7. Wang, W., and Qiu, X., 2021, The Mechanical Properties of Origami Structure Determined by the Improved Virtual Crease Method. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 13(01), 2150002.
8. Liu, Q., Wang, W., Reynolds, M.F., Cao, M.C., Miskin, M.Z., Arias, T.A., Muller, D.A., McEuen, P.L. and Cohen, I., 2021, Micrometer-sized electrically programmable shape-memory actuators for low-power microrobotics. Science Robotics, 6(52). (Selected as the cover)
9. Bircan, B., Miskin, M.Z., Lang, R.J., Cao, M.C., Dorsey, K.J., Salim, M.G., Wang, W., Muller, D.A., McEuen, P.L. and Cohen, I., 2020, Bidirectional self-folding with atomic layer deposition nanofilms for microscale origami. Nano Letters, 20(7), pp.4850-4856.
10. Wang, W., and Qiu, X., Analysis of the carrying capacity for tubes under oblique loading. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2018, 85(3): 031010.
11. Wang, W., and Qiu, X., Coupling of creases and shells. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2018, 85(1): 011009.
12. Wang, W., and Qiu, X., An analytical study for global buckling of circular tubes under axial and oblique compression. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 126: 120-129.
13. Wang, W., and Peng, H., A fast multi-objective optimization design method for emergency libration point orbits transfer between the Sun–Earth and the Earth–Moon systems. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 63: 152-166.
14. Wang, W., Liu, Q and Cohen, I., Artificial cilium and arrays thereof. US patent (WO-2023146962-A2).
本课题组长期招聘科研助理,博士研究生和博士后! 欢迎有电子,机械,材料,力学,物理,化学等相关专业背景,对课题组研究内容感兴趣的伙伴加入,有意向的同学请联系王伟博士!