Time:14:00-15:50, Friday, July 15, 2022
Venue:E4-201, Yungu Campus, Westlake University
Speaker:Rongge Xu, a Ph.D student in Condensed Matter Theory Group, Westlake University
Title:Introduction to category theory in physics (II)
Last time we introduced the concept of a category, and used toric code model as an example to show that the particle-like topological defects of a 2d topological order form a braided monoidal category.
For the second lecture we will continue on analyzing the categorical structures in the toric code model, especially for the relationship between the 2d bulk and its 1d boundaries. We will introduce the mathematical concept of a functor, then show the topological defects of a 1d topological order form a fusion category. Moreover, the bulk-to-boundary map is a central functor.