几何分析研讨班丨Preservation of Convexity by Geodesics in the Space of Kahler Potentials on Complex Affine Manifold

2022-11-28 08:41:33



主持人:理论betway必威棋牌网址 院 韩骥原博士

主讲人:中国科学院 胡京辰博士

报告主题:Preservation of Convexity by Geodesics in the Space of Kahler Potentials on Complex Affine Manifold


In the space of Kahler potentials, given two points, there is always a weak geodesic connecting them. However, the metrics along the geodesic may be degenerate. The question is can we pose some conditions on the end points of a geodesic, so that when these conditions are satisfied the metrics along the geodesic do not degenerate? In this talk, we will present some sufficient conditions; in particular, we introduce the concept of $(S,\omega_0)$-convexity, and show that when the two end points are both $(S,\omega_0)$-convex the metrics along the geodesic are nondegenerate.

ZOOM会议号:853 8983 0526

