ZOOM ID:881 5557 0865
主持人:理论betway必威棋牌网址 院 韩骥原 博士
主讲人:普林斯顿大学 张若冰教授
主讲人简介:Ruobing Zhang is now an assistant Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University. His research focuses on differential geometry and geometric analysis. Recently, he has made several breakthroughs in Calabi-Yau metrics and collapsing metrics.
讲座主题:Curvature, holonomy, and metric geometry
讲座摘要:This talk will describe profound connections between the Ricci curvature and the metric geometry/global topology of the underlying spaces. The main part of the talk will particularly focus on the geometry of Einstein manifolds with special holonomy.
Recently geometric studies have culminated in a complete understanding of Einstein 4-manifolds with special holonomy. Among the tremendous developments in this area, a substantial step is to understand the singularity behaviors. I will summarize recent works on the accurate characterization of singularity formation and the complete classification of degeneration limits on all scales.