ZOOM ID:990 4106 7305
主持人:理论betway必威棋牌网址 院 魏传豪 博士
主讲人:耶鲁大学沈俊亮 博士
主讲人简介:Junliang Shen finished his Ph.D at ETH Zurich under Rahul Pandharipande in 2018. He was a Moore Instructor at MIT from 2018-2021, before moving to Yale as an Assistant Professor. He works on algebraic geometry and related fields.
讲座主题:Cohomology of the moduli of Higgs bundles
讲座摘要:I will discuss recent progress on cohomological structures for the moduli of Higgs bundles, which include a proof of the P=W conjecture concerning the non-abelian Hodge correspondence of curves. In the first part of the lecture, I will start with an introduction to the subject; then we will discuss in more details the ideas and tools which are developed to solve the problems.