地点:E4-233 &ZOOM
ZOOM会议号:952 3599 4396
主讲人:Xinyi Yuan, Peking University
主讲人简介:Xinyi Yuan is currently a chair professor at Peking University. He got his bachelor's degree from Peking University in 2003, and got his PHD from Columbia University in 2008. Before joining Peking University in 2020, he was an associate professor at UC Berkeley. He specializes in number theory and arithmetic geometry.
报告题目:Introduction to the Bombieri-Lang conjecture
报告摘要:The Bombieri-Lang conjecture is a far-reaching high-dimensional generalization of the Mordell conjecture. The Mordell conjecture was proved by Faltings, while its high-dimensional analogue is widely open. In this talk, I will introduce these conjectures and their current status.