
CenBRAIN Neurotech专题学术讲座 | Yaroslav Sergeyev: Lipschitz Global Optimization and Infinity Computing






西湖大学工学院讲席教授 Mohamad Sawan





CenBRAIN Neurotech专题学术讲座 | Yaroslav Sergeyev: Lipschitz Global Optimization and Infinity Computing


Time:16:00-17:30,Wednesday,December4, 2024


Venue:E10-205, Yungu Campus

主持人: 西湖大学学院讲席教授Mohamad Sawan

Host:Mohamad Sawan, Chair Professor of School of Engineering, Westlake University


Prof. Yaroslav Sergeyev

Head of Numerical Calculus Laboratory,

DIMES, University of Calabria, Italy


Yaroslav D. SergeyevisDistinguished Professorat the University of Calabria, Italy (invited to this prestigious position by the Italian Government in 2002) and Head of Numerical Calculus Laboratory at the same university. During several decades he was alsoAffiliated Researcherat the Institute of High-Performance Computing and Networking of the Italian National Research Council, and isAffiliated Facultyat the Center for Applied Optimization, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA andAffiliated Professorat Lobachevskiy State University, Russia.

His Ph.D. (1990) is from Lobachevskiy State University and his D.Sc. degree (1996) from Lomonosov State University, Moscow (Habilitation for the Full Professorship in Russian universities).

His research interests include global optimization (he was President of the International Society of Global Optimization, 2017-2021),infinity computing and calculus(the field he has founded), numerical computations, scientific computing, philosophy of computations, set theory, number theory, fractals, parallel computing, and interval analysis.

Research prizes: International Carathéodory Prize, International ICNAAM Research Excellence Award, International Prize of the city of Gioacchino da Fiore, all in 2023; Khwarizmi International Award, 2017; Pythagoras International Prize in Mathematics, 2010; EUROPT Fellow, 2016; Outstanding Achievement Award from the 2015 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, USA; Honorary Fellowship, the highest distinction of the European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2015; The 2015 Journal of Global Optimization (Springer) Best Paper Award; Lagrange Lecture, Turin University, Italy, 2010; MAIK Prize for the best scientific monograph published in Russian, Moscow, 2008, etc.

In 2020, he was elected corresponding member of Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti in Messina, Italy. Since 2020 he is included in the rating “Top 2% in Scopus” by Stanford University, the list “Top Italian Scientists. Mathematics”, Top 5 in Russian e-library in Computer Science and Cybernetics, top researchers (mathematics) in, etc.

In 2022, his biography was published in Chinese by the journalMathematical Culture. In 2023, the book “Primi Passi nell’Aritmetica dell’Infinito” authored by Prof. Davide Rizza from the University of East Anglia dedicated to teaching the Infinity Computing methodology developed by Prof. Sergeyev was published.

His list of publications contains more than 300 items (among them 6 authored and 11 edited books and more than 130 articles in international journals). He is a member of editorial boards of one book series (Springer), 12 international and 3 national journals and co-editor of 14 special issues. He delivered more than 90 plenary/keynote lectures and tutorials at international congresses. He was Chairman of 7 and Co-Chairman of 8 international conferences and a member of Scientific Committees of more than 110 international congresses. He is Coordinator of numerous national and international research and educational projects, supervises master and Ph.D. theses. Numerous magazines, newspapers, TV and radio channels have dedicated a lot of space to his research. In 2023, the 21st International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Crete (Greece) has been dedicated to the achievements of Prof. Sergeyev and his 60th birthday.


This talk presents an overview of two main research streams the author deals with:Lipschitz Global Optimizationandthe Infinity Computing(the field he has founded).

Lipschitz global optimizationis a thriving branch of applied mathematics where it is supposed that the function to optimize satisfies the Lipschitz condition over a hyperinterval with an unknown Lipschitz constant. The function can be ``black box", multiextremal, and non-differentiable, its evaluation at any point is a time-consuming operation. Algorithms for solving this problem discussed in the literature can be distinguished, for example, by the way the Lipschitz constant is estimated and by the strategy of exploration of the search domain. Different exploration techniques based on various adaptive partition strategies are analyzed. Among considered problems and applications, there are the search for the first zero-crossing point, safe global optimization, finding the working spaces of robots, etc.

The Infinity Computingis a computational methodology introduced by the speaker. It allows to work with infinities and infinitesimalsnumericallyin a unique floating-point computational framework. It is based on the principle ‘The part is less than the whole’ applied to all quantities (finite, infinite, and infinitesimal) and to all sets and processes (finite and infinite). The methodology uses as a computational device calledthe Infinity Computer(a new kind of supercomputer patented in several countries, its software prototypes exist) working numerically with different infinite and infinitesimal numbers. On a number of examples (numerical differentiation, optimization, divergent series, ordinary differential equations, fractals, set theory, etc.) it is shown that the new methodology can be extremely useful from both theoretical and computational points of view. The accuracy of the obtained results is continuously compared with results obtained by traditional tools used to work with mathematical objects involving infinity.

For more information on the Infinity Computing methodology see the dedicated web page


Yitian(Claire) Zhang

Fangyuan(Tiffany) Tian
