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(Peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters, editorials and books)

(Peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters, editorials and books)

  • 2024

332. Yukai Wang, Jian Jiang, Qiqi Xiong, Shichao Li, Jiawei Shao, Mingqi Xie*, An-ping Zeng* Chemically programed nucleic condensates for spatiotemporal control of mammalian gene expression. (manuscript under review)

  • 2023

331.Jan Herzog, Alexander Mook, Tyll Utesch, Frank R. Bengelsdorf, An-Ping Zeng (2023) Lactate based caproate production withClostridium drakei and process control ofAcetobacterium woodiivia lactate dependentin situelectrolysis. Eng Life Sci. 23 (1), e2100169

330.J Liu, H Zhang, Y Xu,H Meng, and AP Zeng*(2023)Turn air-captured CO2 with methanol into amino acid and pyruvate in an ATP/NAD(P)H-free chemoenzymatic system. Nature Communications. 14, Article number:2772


328.C Li, Y Yuan, A.Zeng* (2023) Biomanufacturing boosts the high-level development of economy and society. Green Chemical Engineering

327.Y Zhang, L Chen, A Thomas, An-Ping Zeng* (2023) Development of a New 1,2,4 butanetriol Biosynthesis Pathway in an Engineered Homoserine-producing Strain of Escherichia coli. Synthetic Biology and Engineering. 2023, 1(1), 10007

326. Chijian Zhang, Pawin Traitrongsat, An-Ping Zeng* (2023) Electrochemically mediated bioconversion and integrated purification greatly enhanced co-production of 1, 3-propanediol and organic acids from glycerol in an industrial bioprocess. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering.

325. Jan Herzog, Alexander Mook, Lotta Guhl, Miriam Bäumler, Matthias H. Beck, Dirk Weuster-Botz, Frank R. Bengelsdorf, An-Ping Zeng* (2023)Novel synthetic co-culture of Acetobacterium woodii and Clostridium drakei using CO2 and in situ generated H2 for the production of caproic acid via lactic acid. Engineering in life sciences

  • 2022

324. Cornelius Jacobi, Sukanya R. Sekar, Uwe Jandt, An-Ping Zeng (2022) Automated Feedback-Guided Design and Global Optimization of Enzyme System Integrating Molecular Dynamic Simulation and Cell-Free Biosynthesis.

323.刘建明,曾安平(2022)无细胞多酶分子机器赋能二氧化碳的高值利用及其挑战. Synthetic Biology Journal

322.Philipp Arbter, Niklas Widderich, Tyll Utesch, Yaeseong Hong and An-Ping Zeng (2022) Control of redox potential in a novel continuous bioelectrochemical system led to remarkable metabolic and energetic responses ofClostridium pasteurianumgrown on glycerol. Microbial Cell Factories.

321. Chijian Zhang, Pawin Traitrongsat, An-Ping Zeng. Electro-fermentation for enhanced co-production of 1,3-propanediol and organic acids byClostridium pasteurianumand the development of an improved downstream process.

320. Jan Herzog, Alexander Mook, Lotta Guhl, Miriam Bäumler, Matthias H Beck, Dirk Weuster‐Botz, Frank R Bengelsdorf, An‐Ping Zeng. Novel synthetic co-culture ofAcetobacterium woodiiandClostridium drakeiusing CO2andin situgenerated H2for the production of caproic acid via lactic acid. Engineering in Life Sciences. DOI: 10.1002/elsc.202100169.

319.Yongfei Liu, Wei Wang and An-Ping Zeng (2022) Biosynthesizing structurally diverse diols via a general route combining oxidative and reductive formations of OH-groups. Nature Communications. 10.1038/s41467-022-29216-5.

318. Chijian Zhang, Shubhang Sharma, Chengwei Ma1 and An-Ping Zeng (2022) Strain evolution and novel downstream processing with integrated catalysis enable highly efficient co-production of 1,3-propanediol and organic acid esters from crude glycerol. Biotechnol. Bioeng. doi: 10.1002/bit.28070

317. Jie Ren, Wei Wang, Jinglei Nie, Wenqiao Yuan, An-Ping Zeng (2022) Understanding and engineering glycine cleavage system and related metabolic pathways for C1-based biosynthesis. In:Adv. Biochem. Bioeng/Biotechnol., Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/10_2021_186

316. A.-P. Zeng, N. Claassen (2022) One-Carbon Feedstocks for Sustainable Bioproduction. Adv. Biochem. Bioeng/Biotechnol., (Eds.), Springer.

315. Yaeseong Hong and An-Ping Zeng (2022) Bioprocesses based on one-carbon mixotrophy. In: Adv. Biochem. Bioeng/Biotechnol., Springer.https://doi.org/10.1007/10_2021_198

314. Enrico Hans and An-Ping Zeng (2022) Automatisierte Probenfiltration zur Analyse intrazellulärer Metaboliten bei höhren Biomassen. Chem. Ing. Tech. 94, 1–10https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.202100091

  • 2021

313.曾安平(Zeng An-Ping),任杰(2021)基于二氧化碳的生物制造:从基础研究到工业应用的崎岖之路(CO2based biomanufacturing: The rugged road from basic research to industrial application). Synthetic Biology Journal: 1-9. doi: 10.12211/2096-8280.2021-086.

312.张涵,李宇辰,聂晶磊,任杰,曾安平(An-Ping Zeng) (2021)定向改造H-蛋白对甘氨酸

裂解酶系整体酶活调控的研究.北京化工大学学报(自然科学版)48 (6): 48-56 DOI: 10.13543/j.bhxbzr.2021.06.007.

311. Yaeseong Hong, Tom Nguyen, Philipp Arbter, Tyll Utesch, An-Ping Zeng (2021) Phenotype analysis of cultivation processes via unsupervised machine learning: demonstration forClostridium pasteurianum. Eng Life Sci 1–15. DOI: 10.1002/elsc.202100114.

310. Ludwig Selder, Rosaliina Turunen, Kiira Vuoristo, Jaana Uusitalo, An-Ping Zeng (2021) Volatile fatty acid production from cabbage residues using mixed culture fermentations and in-situ product removal by electrodialysis. Bioresource Technology Reports. 100828

309. Yingying Xu. Jie Ren, An-Ping Zeng (2021) Improvement of glycine biosynthesis from one-carbon compounds and ammonia catalyzed by the glycine cleavage system in vitro. Eng. Life Sci. 2021: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1002/elsc.202100047

308. Jonas Heuer, Yasemin Kraus, Marijan Vučak, An-Ping Zeng (2021) Enhanced sequestration of carbon dioxide into calcium carbonate using pressure and a carbonic anhydrase from alkaliphilicColeofasciculus chthonoplastes. Eng. Life Sci. 1-14: https://doi.org/10.1002/elsc.20210003.

307. J. Wang, A.-P. Zeng and W. Yuan (2021) Succinic acid fermentation from agricultural wastes: the producing microorganisms and their engineering strategies. Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coesh.2021.100313

306. Shizhen Wang, Chengwei Ma, An-Ping Zeng (2021) Co-evolved Interaction Network Analysis of E. coli Aspartokinase III and Regulation of Allosteric Progress by Energy Transduction. Chemical Engineering J. Vol. 429, 132151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2021.132151.

305. Chijian Zhang, Shubhang Sharma1, Wei Wang and An-Ping Zeng (2021) A novel downstream process for highly pure 1,3-propanediol from efficient fed-batch fermentation of raw glycerol byClostridium pasteurianum. Eng. Life Sci. 21: 351-363. DOI: 10.1002/elsc.202100012

304. J. Nie*, X. Zhang*, M. Schroer, Y. Liu, W. Wang, J. Ren, D. Svergun and A.-P. Zeng (2021) The enzyme lipoate-protein ligase A of E. coli forms a novel stimuli-responsive pure protein hydrogel with novel structure and enzymatic activity. bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.02.07.430034.

303. J. Nie, X. Zhang, W. Wang, J. Ren and A.-P. Zeng (2021). Tunable protein hydrogels: Present state and emerging development. In: A. Lavrentieva, I. Pepelanova and D. Seliktar, (eds.) Tunable hydrogels and their application in biotechnology/medical biotechnology. Adv. Biochem. Bioeng/Biotechnol., 178, 63-98.

302.Minliang Chen, Chengwei Ma, Lin Chen, An-Ping Zeng (2021) Integrated laboratory evolution and rational engineering of GalP/Glk-dependent Escherichia coli for higher yield and productivity of L-tryptophan biosynthesis. Met. Eng. Comm. 12, e00167

301. Hao Meng, Qipeng Yuan and Jie Ren and An-Ping Zeng (2021) An aldolase-based new pathway for condensation of formaldehyde and ethanol to synthesize 1,3-propanediol inEscherichia coli. ACS Synth. Biol. 2021, 10, 4, 799–809, DOI:10.1021/acssynbio.0c00597.

300. L. Selder, W. Wang, C. Groeger W. Sabra and A.-P. Zeng (2021) Bioconversion and downstream processing in the context of biorefinery: principles and process examples. In: M. Aresta et al. (ed.) Biorefineries. De Gruyter Graduate.

299. Philipp Arbter, Wael Sabra, Tyll Utesch, Yaeseong Hong and An-Ping Zeng (2021) Metabolomic and kinetic investigations on the electricity-aided production of butanol byClostridium pasteurianumstrains. Eng. Life Sci.https://doi.org/10.1002/elsc.202000035

298. Shizhen Wang, Chengwei Ma, An-Ping Zeng (2021) Dynamic Energy Correlation Analysis ofE. coliAspartokinase III and Alteration of Allosteric Regulation by Manipulating Energy Transduction Pathways. Eng. Life Sci. 21, 314-323.

297. A.-P. Zeng (2021) Fermentation and bioprocess development. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Mannheim.https://doi.org/10.1002/0471238961.0605181319051407.a01.pub3

  • 2020

296. AP Zeng, T. Bley, R. Takors, D. Flemming (2020) Open Access for the future. Eng. Life Sci. 20, 4.

295. Yaeseong Hong, Philipp Arbter, Wei Wang, Lilian Navarro Rojas, An-Ping Zeng (2020) Introduction of glycine synthase enables assimilation of C1 carbon and strongly impacts the metabolism inClostridium pasteurianum. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 118, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1002/bit.27658

294.Johannes Möller, Krathika Bhat, Kristoffer Riecken, Ralf Pörtner, Uwe Jandt, An-Ping Zeng (2020). Lactate metabolism in CHO cells: Investigation of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex regulation. Eng. Life Sci. 21: 100-114.https://doi.org/10.1002/elsc.202000037

293. Xu Y; Meng H; Ren J; Zeng A-P, Formaldehyde formation in the glycine cleavage system and its use for an aldolase-based biosynthesis of 1,3-prodanediol. Journal of Biological Engineering 2020, 14: 15.

292. X. Zhang, J. Nie, Y. Zheng, J. Ren and A.-P. Zeng (2020). Activation and competition of H protein lipoylation in a reaction cascade catalyzed by the multifunctional enzyme lipoate-protein ligase A. Biotechnol. Bioeng. DOI: 10.1002/bit.27526.

291. Han Zhang, Yuchen Li, Jinglei Nie, Jie Ren, An-Ping Zeng (2020)Structure-based dynamic analyses of the glycine cleavage system suggests key residues for control of a key reaction step. Communications Biology. 3 (1), 1-12

290. Johannes Möller, Marcel Rosenberg, Kristoffer Riecken, Ralf Pörtner, An-Ping Zeng, Uwe Jandt (2020) Quantification of sub-population dynamics in CHO cultures with stably integrated fluorescent markers. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 412: 2065-2080.

289. Ludwig Selder, Wael Sabra, Nikolai Jürgensen, Alagappan Lakshmanan and An-Ping Zeng (2020) Co-cultures with integrated in-situ product removal for lactate-based propionic acid production. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng. 43, 1027-1035.

288. Yaeseong Hong, Jie Ren, Xinyi Zhang, Wei Wang, and An-Ping Zeng (2020) Quantitative analysis of glycine related metabolic pathways for one-carbon synthetic biology. Current Opinion in Biotechnology.64, 70–78. DOI: 10.1016/j.copbio.2019.10.001.

287. J Möller, K Korte, R Pörtner, AP Zeng, U Jandt (2020)Near-Physiological Cell Cycle Synchronization with Countercurrent Centrifugal Elutriation. In: Pörtner, R. (ed.): Animal Cell Biotechnology – Methods and Protocols, 4th Edition, Springer.

  • 2019

286. Johannes Möller, Krathika Bhat, Kristoer Riecken, Ralf Pörtner, An-Ping Zeng, Uwe Jandt (2019) Process-induced cell cycle oscillations in CHO cultures: online monitoring and model-based investigation. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 116, 2931-2943.

285. C Jacobi, S Ilhan, T Steinbrecher, I Khansahib, N Depta, M Dosta, S Heinrich, AP Zeng, U Jandt (2019) Towards Designed Multienzymatic Bioreactions: Changed Assembly. EUROPEAN BIOPHYSICS JOURNAL WITH BIOPHYSICS LETTERS. 48, 195-195.

284. An-Ping Zeng, Ralf Takors, Thomas Bley (2019) Editorial: Engineering mindset for Life Sciences and Biotechnology. 19: 158-158.

283. P Arbter, P.; Sinha, A.; Toresch, J; Utesch, T.; Zeng, A.-P. (2019) Redox governed electro-fermentation improves lipid production by the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides under aerobic and microaerobic conditions. Bioresource Technol. 294,122122.

282. Libang Zhou, Jie Ren, Zhidong Li, Jinglei Nie, Chuang Wang, and An-Ping Zeng (2019). Characterization and engineering of a Clostridium glycine riboswitch and its use to control a novel metabolic pathway for 5-aminolevulinic acid production inEscherichia coli. ACS Synth. Biol. 8 (10), 2327-2335https://doi.org/10.1021/acssynbio.9b00137

281. Chuang Wang, Jie Ren, Libang Zhou, Zhidong Li, An-Ping Zeng. (2019) An aldolase-catalyzed new metabolic pathway for the assimilation of formaldehyde and methanol to synthesize 2-keto-4-hydroxybutyrate and 1,3-propanediol inEscherichia coli. ACS Synth. Biol. 8 (11), 2483-2493. (https://doi.org/10.1021/acssynbio.9b00102)

280. Xinyi Zhang, Mei Li, Yingying Xu, Jie Ren and An-Ping Zeng (2019) Quantitative study of H protein lipoylation of the glycine cleavage system and a strategy to increase its activity by co-expression of LplA. J Biol. Eng. 13: 32. DOI: 10.1186/s13036-019-0164-5

279. An-Ping Zeng (2019) New bioproduction systems for chemicals: Needs and new development. Biotechnol. Adv. 37, 508-518. DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2019.01.003.

278. Yujun Zhang, Chengwei Ma, Wanda Dischert, Philippe Soucaille and An-Ping Zeng (2019) Engineering of phosphoserine aminotransferase for L-homoserine conversion to 4-hydroxy-2-ketobutyrate in a glycerol-independent pathway of 1,3-propanediol production from glucose. Biotechnol. J. 14 (9), 1900003. DOI:10.1002/biot.201900003.

277. Minliang Chen, Lin Chen and An-Ping Zeng (2019) CRISPR/Cas9-facilitated engineering and growth-coupled in vivo screening of enzyme variants for efficient biosynthesis of L-tryptophan inE. coli.

Met. Eng. Commun. 9, e00094.

276. P.N. Depta, U. Jandt, M. Dosta, A.-P. Zeng, S. Heinrich (2019) Towards multi-scale modeling of proteins and bio-agglomerates: An orientation-sensitive diffusion model for the integration of Molecular Dynamics and the Discrete Element Method. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 59 (1): 386–398.

275. Tyll Utesch, Christin Groeger, Wael Sabra, Julian Baur, An-Ping Zeng (2019) Enhanced electron transfer of different mediators for strictly opposite shifting of metabolism inClostridium pasteurianumgrown on glycerol in a new electrochemical bioreactor. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 116 (7), 1627-1643. DOI:10.1002/bit.26963.

274. Matthias Wurm, Sibel Ilhan, Uwe Jandt, An-Ping Zeng (2019) Direct and Highly Sensitive

Measurement of Fluorescent Molecules in Bulk Solutions using Flow Cytometry. Anal. Biochemistry. 570: 32-42.

273. Franziska Enzmann, Markus Stöckl, An-PingZeng, Dirk Holtmann (2019) Same but different - Scaling Up and Numbering Up in Electrobiotechnology and Photobiotechnology. Eng. Life Sci. 19:121–132.

  • 2018

272. Jie Ren, Libang Zhou, Chuang Wang, Chen Lin, Zhidong Li and An-Ping Zeng (2018)An unnatural pathway for efficient 5-aminolevulinic acid biosynthesis with glycine from glyoxylate based on retrobiosynthetic design. ACS Synth. Biol. 7, 2750–2757.

271. Johannes Möller, Katrin Korte, Ralf Pörtner, An-Ping Zeng, Uwe Jandt (2018)Cell-cycle and putative autocrine dependent metabolism in CHO production cell line under near-physiological conditions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 115 (12), 2996-3008.

270. Lin Chen, Minliang Chen, Chengwei Ma, and An-Ping Zeng (2018)Discovery of feed-forward regulation in L-tryptophan biosynthesis and its use in metabolic engineering ofE. colifor efficient tryptophan bioproduction. Met. Eng. 47, 434-444

269. H. Zhao, and A.-P. Zeng (2018)Preface: Exploring the Synergy between Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering. Adv. Biochem. Bioeng/Biotechnol. Vol. 162, Page V-VI. Springer

268. Tyll Utesch and An-Ping Zeng (2018)A Novel “All in One” Electrolysis Electrode and Bioreactor Enable Better Study of Electrochemical Effects and Electricity-Aided Bioprocesses. Eng. Life Sci. 18, 600-610.

267. Rebekka Brost, Wael Sabra, Yaeseong Hong, Tyll Utesch, and An-Ping Zeng (2018)Improved electrocompetence and metabolic engineering ofClostridium pasteurianumrevealed a new regulation pattern of glycerol mono- and cosubstrate fermentation. Eng. Life Sci. DOI:10.1002/elsc.201800118.

266. Zhihao Wang, Jianming Liu, Lin Chen, An-Ping Zeng, Christian Solem and Peter Ruhdal Jensen (2018)Alterations in the transcription factors GntR1 and RamA enhance the growth and central metabolism ofCorynebacterium glutamicum. Met. Eng. 48, 1-12.

265. Samira Hezaveh, An-Ping Zeng, and Uwe Jandt (2018)Full Enzyme Complex Simulation: Interactions in Human Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 58, 362-369.

264. Lifu Song and An-Ping Zeng (2018)Orthogonal information encoding in living cells with high error-tolerance, safety and fidelity. ACS Synth. Biol. 7, 866-874. DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.7b00382

263. José-Aníbal Mora-Villalobos and An-Ping Zeng (2018)Synthetic pathways and processes for effective production of 5-hydroxytryptophan and serotonin from glucose inEscherichia coli. J. Biol. Eng. 12 (1):3.

  • 2017

262. Nora Meyne, Grischa Fuge, An-Ping Zeng, Arne F. Jacob (2017).Resonant Microwave Sensors for Picoliter Liquid Characterization and Non-Destructive Detection of Single Biological Cells. IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology. Published 2017/12/25.

261. U Jandt, S Hezaveh, S Ilhan, A Zeng (2017)Full structural modeling of multi enzymatic nanomachines: flexible domain interactions within pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. FEBS JOURNAL 284, 79-80.

260. Wael Sabra, Rajesh Reddy Bommareddy, Garima Maheshwari, Seraphim Papanikolaou

and An-Ping Zeng (2017)Substrates and oxygen dependent citric acid production byYarrowia lipolytica: Insights through transcriptome and fluxome analyses. Microbial Cell Factory, 16, 78.

259. Grischa Fuge, Yaeseong Hong, Kristoffer Riecken, An-Ping Zeng, Uwe Jandt (2017)CHO cells engineered for fluorescence read out of cell cycle and growth rate in real time. Biotechnology Progress. 33, 1408-1417.

256. Lei Qin, Lu Liu, An-Ping Zeng, Dong Wei (2017)From low-cost substrates to microbial lipid by oleaginous yeast and microalgae as cell factory. Bioresources Technology. 245, 1507-1519

255. Lifu Song and An-Ping Zeng (2017)Engineering cells as robots for parallel and highly sensitive screening of biomolecules under in vivo conditions. Sci. Report, 7 (1), 15145

254. José-Aníbal Mora-Villalobos and An-Ping Zeng (2017)Protein and pathway engineering for the biosynthesis of 5-hydroxytryptophan inEscherichia coli. Eng. Life Sci.17, 892-899.

253. Christin Groeger, Wei Wang, Wael Sabra, Tyll Utesch and An-Ping Zeng (2017)Metabolic and proteomic analyses of product selectivity and redox regulation inClostridium pasteurianumgrown on glycerol under varied iron availability. Microb. Cell Fact. 16(1), 64.

252. Samira Hezaveh, An-Ping Zeng, and Uwe Jandt (2016)Investigation of Core Structure and Stability of Human Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex: a Coarse-Grained Approach.ACS Omega 2 (3), 1134-1145.

251. Jin Guo, Samira Hezaveh, Jana Tatur, An-Ping Zeng, Uwe Jandt (2017)Reengineering of human pyruvate dehydrogenase complex: from disintegration to highly active agglomerates. Biochemical Journal. 474(5):865-875.

250. H. Zhao, and A.-P. Zeng (eds.) (2017)Synthetic Biology–Metabolic Engineering. Adv. Biochem. Bioeng/Biotechnol. Vol. 162, Springer.

249. Feng Geng, Chengwei Ma and An-Ping Zeng (2017)Reengineering substrate specificity of E. coli glutamate dehydrogenase using a position-based prediction method. Biotechnol. Letter. 39 (4), 599-605.

248.Grischa Fuge, An-Ping Zeng and Uwe Jandt (2017)Weak cell cycle dependency but strong distortive effects of transfection with Lipofectamine 2000 in near-physiologically synchronized cell culture. Eng Life Sci. 17 (4), 348-356.

247. Chengwei Ma, Li-Bang Zhou and An-Ping Zeng (2017)Engineering Biomolecular Switches for Dynamic Metabolic Control. In: A.-P. Zeng, H. Zhao (eds.) Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering. Adv. Biochem. Eng. /Biotechnol. Vol. 162, 45-76.

246Seraphim Papanikolaoua, Maria Rontoua, Aikaterini Belkaa, Maria Athenakia, Chryssavgi Gardelia, Athanasios Mallouchosa, Ourania Kalantzia, Apostolis A. Koutinasa, An-Ping Zengb, George Aggelisc. (2017)Conversion of biodiesel-derived glycerol into biotechnological products of industrial significance by a relatively broad spectrum of yeasts and fungi. Eng. Life Sci. 17 (3), 262-281

245. da Luz, Julian A., Hans, Enrico, Frank, Doinita, Zeng, An-Ping (2017)Analysis of intracellular metabolites ofCorynebacterium glutamicumat high cell density with automated sampling and filtration and assessment of engineered enzymes for effective L-lysine production. Eng Life Sci. 17, 512-522.

244. Rajesh Reddy Bommareddy, Wael Sabra and An-Ping Zeng (2017)Glucosemediated regulation of glycerol uptake in Rhodosporidium toruloides: Insights through transcriptomic analysis on dual substrate fermentation.Eng. Life Sciences. 17 (3), 282-291

243. Lin Chen and An-Ping Zeng (2017)Rational design and metabolic anaylsis ofEscherichia colifor Effective Production of L-Tryptophane. Appl. Microbial Biotechnol. 15, 101, 559-568.

242 Ralf Pörtner, Uwe Jandt, An-Ping Zeng (2017) Cell Culture Technology. In: JC Liao and C. Wittmann (eds.) Industrial Biotechnology: Products and Processes, 129-158. Wiley-VCH.

  • 2016

241. Zhen Chen, Feng Geng, and An-Ping Zeng (2016)Erratum: Protein design and engineering of a de novo pathway for microbial production of 1, 3-propanediol from glucose. Biotechnology Journal. 11, 1368-1368.

240. Ee Taek Hwang, Bo-Kuk Seo, Man Bock Gu and An-Ping Zeng (2016)Successful bi-enzyme stabilization for biomimetic cascade transformation of carbon dioxide. Catalysis Science & Technology. 6 (19), 7267-7272.

239. Samira Hezaveh, An-Ping Zeng, and Uwe Jandt (2016)Human Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex E2/E3BP Core Subunits: New Models and Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations.The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (19), 4399-4409

238. Christin Groeger, Wael Sabra and An-Ping Zeng (2016)Simultaneous production of 1, 3propanediol and nbutanol byClostridium pasteurianum: In situ gas stripping and cellular metabolism. Eng. Life Sci. 16 (7), 664-674.

237. Zhen Chen and An-Ping Zeng (2016)Protein engineering approaches to chemical biotechnology. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 42: 198–205.

236. Wael Sabra, Wei Wang, Sruthi Surandram, Christin Groeger and An-Ping Zeng (2016)Fermentation of mixed substrates byClostridium pasteurianumand its physiological, metabolic and proteomic characterizations. Microbial Cell Factory.5 (1), 114

235.W. Sabra, C. Groeger and A.-P. Zeng (2016)Microbial cell factories for diol production. In Q. Ye and JJ. Zhong et al. (eds.) “Bioreactor Engineering Research and Industrial Applications I: Cell Factories”, Series of “Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology”, 155, 165-197.

234. An-Ping Zeng and Martin Kaltschmitt(2016) Green electricity and bio-wastes via biogas to bulk-chemicals and fuels.Eng. Life Sci. 16, 211-221.DOI: 10.1002/elsc.201400262.

  • 2015

233. Wael Sabra, Immo Röske, Kerstin Sahm, Garabed Antranikian and An-Ping Zeng (2015)Metabolic and microbial characterization of high-temperature biogas reactors treating stillage from an industrial bioethanol process.Eng. Life Sci. 15, 743-750.

232.Libang Zhou, and An-Ping Zeng (2015)Engineering a lysine-ON riboswitch for metabolic self-control of lysine production inCorynebacterium glutamicum.ACS Synthetic Biology4 (12), 1335-1340

231 A E Castillo, G Fuge, U Jandt,A-P Zeng. (2015)Growth Kinetics and Validationofnear-physiologically synchronized HEK293s Cultures.Eng. Life Sci. 15 (5), 509-518

230. Rajesh Reddy Bommareddy, Wael Sabra, Garima Maheshwari and An-Ping Zeng(2015) Metabolic network analysis and experimental study of lipid production inRhodosporidium toruloidesgrown on single and mixed substrates.Microbil. Cell Factory.14:36.DOI 10.1186/s12934-015-0217-5.

229. Chengwei Ma, Zhilong Xiu, A.-P. Zeng (2015)Exploring Signal Transduction in Heteromultimeric Protein Based on Energy Dissipation Model.Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics.33: 134-146.

228. C. Groeger W. Sabra and A.-P. Zeng (2015)Introduction to Bioconversion and Downstream Processing: Principles and Process Examples.In: M. Aresta et al. (ed.) Biorefineries. De Gruyter Graduate. pp: 81-104.

227. Libang Zhou and An-Ping Zeng (2015)Exploring Lysine Riboswitch for Metabolic Flux Control and Improvement of l-Lysine Synthesis inCorynebacterium glutamicum.ACS Synthetic Biology. 4(6):729-34.

226Thomas Kaeding, Julian DaLuz, Jürgen Kube and An-Ping Zeng (2015).Integrated study of fermentation and downstream processing in a miniplant significantly improved the microbial 1,3-propanediol production from raw glycerol.Bioprocess Biosystem Eng. 38575 - 586

225. Uwe Jandt, Oscar Platas Barradas, Ralf Pörtner and An-Ping Zeng (2015).Synchronized mammalian cell culture: Part II Population ensemble modeling and analysis for development of reproducible processes. Biotechnol. Proress.31:175–185.

224. Oscar Platas Barradas, Uwe Jandt, Ralf Pörtner, and An-Ping Zeng (2015).Synchronized mammalian cell culture:Part I A synchronization strategy with further cultivation under physiological conditions. Biotechnol. Progress.31:165–174.

223. Zhen Chen, Sugima Rappert and An-Ping Zeng (2015)Rational design of allosteric regulation of homoserine dehydrogenaseby a non-natural inhibitor L-lysine.ACS Synthetic Biology. 4(2):126-31.

222. Zhen Chen, Feng Geng, and An-Ping Zeng (2015)Protein design and engineering of ade novopathway for microbial production of 1, 3-propanediol from glucose.Biotechnology Journal. 10, 284-289.

221. Sebastian Oehmke and An-Ping Zeng (2015)Recovery of biologically produced 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde and its dehydrated product acrolein.Eng. Life. Sciences. 15, 133-139.

220b. N. Meyne, G. Fuge, S. Hemanth, H. K. Trieu, A.-P. Zeng, A. F. Jacob, “Broadband Dielectric Characterization of CHO-K1 Cells Using Miniaturized Transmission-Line Sensor,” accepted for publication at IEEE BioWireleSS 2015, Radio and Wireless Week, Jan 25 - 28, 2015.


220. Georg Conrads, J.J. (Hans) de Soet, Lifu Song, Karsten Henne, Helena Sztajer, Irene Wagner-Döbler and An-Ping Zeng (2014)Comparing the cariogenic species Streptococcus sobrinus and S. mutans on whole genome level.JOURNAL OF ORAL MICROBIOLOGY. 6:26189. 10.3402/jom.v6.26189

219.Immo Röske, Wael Sabra, Heiko Nacke, Rolf Daniel , An-Ping Zeng, Garabed Antranikian and Kerstin Sahm (2014)Microbial community composition and dynamics in high-temperature biogas reactors using industrial bioethanol waste as substrate.Appl. Microbial and Biotechnol. 98:9095–9106.

218.Fabian Rieckenberg, Inés Ardao, Rosarin Rujananon, An-Ping Zeng (2014)Cell-free synthesis of 1,3-propanediol from glycerol with a high yield. Eng. Life Sciences.14, 380-386.

217. Fabian Rieckenberg, Katharina Götz, Lutz Hilterhaus, Andreas Liese, An-Ping Zeng (2014)Strategies for reliable and improved large-scale production of Pyrococcus furiosus with integrated purification of hydrogenase-I. Bioprocess Biosystems Eng.37: 2475-2482.

216. Feng Q. He, Ulrike Sauermann, Christiane Beer, Silke Winkelmann, Zheng Yu, Sieghart Sopper, An-Ping Zeng and Manfred Wirth (2014)Identification of molecular sub-1 networks associated with cell survival in a chronically SIVmac infected human CD4+ T-cells. Virology Journal. 11:152.

215. Rajesh Reddy Bommareddy, Zhen Chen, Sugima Rappert and An-Ping Zeng (2014)Ade novoNADPH generation pathway for improving lysine production ofCorynebacterium glutamicumby rational design of the coenzyme specificity of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase.Metabol. Eng. 25:30-37.

214. Padhmanand Sudhakar, Michael Reck, Wei Wang, Feng He, Irene-Wagner Döbler, An-Ping Zeng (2014)Construction and verification of the transcriptional regulatory response network ofStreptococcus mutansupon treatment with the biofilm inhibitor carolacton.BMC Genomics.15,Article Number: 739, P362.

213.Christin Groeger, Wael Sabra and An-Ping Zeng(2014)Co-Produktion von Propandiol und Butanol in Fermentation mit In-Situ-Produkttrennung.Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 10. (In print).

212. Kubick, Stefan; Zeng, An-Ping (2014)New and synthetic bioproduction systems.


211. W. Sabra, C. Groeger, P.N. Sharma, and A.-P. Zeng (2014)Improved butanol production by a non-acetone producingClostridium pasteurianumDSMZ 525 through simultaneous co-substrate fermentation. Appl. Microbial and Biotechnol.98:42674276.

210. Averina Nicolae, Judith Wahrheit, Janina Bahnemann, An-Ping Zeng, Elmar Heinzle(2014)Non-stationary13C metabolic flux analysis of Chinese hamster ovary cells in batch culture using extracellular labeling highlights metabolic reversibility and compartmentation.BMC Systems Biology.8:50 doi:10.1186/1752-0509-8-50.

209. Negar Rajabi, Janina Bahnemann, Tzu-Nen Tzeng, Oscar Platas Barradas, An-Ping Zeng, Jörg Müller (2014).Lab-on-a-Chip for cell perturbation, lysis, and efficient separation of sub-cellular components in a continuous flow mode.Sensors and Actuators A: Physical.215, 136–143.

208. W. Sabra and A.-P. Zeng (2014)Mixed Microbial Cultures for Industrial Biotechnology: Success, Chance and Challenges. In: Industrial Biocatalysis (Ed. P. Grunwald), 2014.

207. Chengwei Ma, Jan Lüddecke, Karl Forchhammer, An-Ping Zeng (2014)Population shift and dynamics correlation analysis shed new light into the anticooperative allosteric regulation of PIIProtein.Proteins: structure, Function and Bioinformatics. 82: 1048-1059.

206. Uwe Jandt, Oscar Platas Barradas, Ralf Pörtner, and An-Ping Zeng (2014)Mammaliancell culture synchronization under physiological conditions and population dynamic simulation. Appl. Microbial and Biotechnol.98:4311–4319.

205. Janina Bahnemann, Sabrina Kayo, Judith Wahrheit, Elmar Heinzle, Ralf Pörtner and An-Ping Zeng (2014).In search of an effective cell disruption method to isolate intact mitochondria from Chinese hamster ovary cells.Eng. Life Science. 14: 161-169.

204. Zhen Chen, Rajesh Reddy Bommareddy, Doinita Frank, Sugima Rappert and An-Ping Zeng (2014)Deregulation of feedback inhibition of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase for improved lysine production inCorynebacterium glutamicum.Appl. Environ. Microbiol.80:1388-1393.

203. Wael Sabra, AM, Haddad, An-Ping Zeng (2014)Comparative physiological study of the wild type and the small colony variant ofPseudomonas aeruginosa20265 under controlled growth conditions.World J Microbiol Biotechnol.30: 1027-1036.

202. Julian A. da Luz, Enrico Hans and An-Ping Zeng (2014).Improvement of intracellular metabolite analysis of microorganisms by automated fast filtration and on-filter quenching. Eng. Life Sciences. 14, 135-142.

201. S. Cumana, I. Ardao, A.-P. Zeng, I. Smirnova (2014)Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase encapsulated in silica-based hydrogels for operation in a microreactor.Engineering in Life Sciences. 14: 170-179.

200. Feng Q. He, Wei Wang, Ping Zheng, Padhmanand Sudhakar, Jibin Sun, An-Ping Zeng (2014)Essential O2-responsive genes and network of Pseudomonas aeruginosa revealed by integrating dynamic data from inverted conditions. Integrative Biology. 6(2): 215-223.

199. Donna Dietz and An-Ping Zeng (2014)Efficient production of 1,3-propanediol from fermentation of crude glycerol with mixed cultures in a simple medium. Bioprocess Biosystem. Eng. 37 (2): 225-233.

  • 2013

198. Man Bock Gu, An-Ping Zeng (2013)Industrial biotechnology in Asia recent advances in biofuels and biorefinery. ENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES.13 (5):419-420

197. An-Ping Zeng (Eds.)Fundamentals and Application of New Bioproduction Systems.

Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Vol. 137. 238 p. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2013,

196. Jinshan Li, Wei Wang, Yi Wangand An-Ping Zeng (2013)Two-dimensional gel-based proteomic of the caries causative bacteriumStreptococcus mutansUA159 and insight into the inhibitory effect of carolacton.Proteomics. 13: 3470-3477.

195. Janina Bahnemann, Negar Rajabi, Grischa Fuge, Oscar Platas Barradas, Jörg Müller, Ralf Pörtner, and An-Ping Zeng (2013)A New Integrated Lab-on-a-Chip System for Fast Dynamic Study of Mammalian Cells under Physiological Conditions in Bioreactor. Cells. 2(2): 349–360.doi:10.3390/cells20x000x

194. Sabrina Kayo, Janina Bahnemann, Matthias Klauser, Ralf Pörtner and An-Ping Zeng (2013)A microfluidic device for immuno-affinity based separation of mitochondria from cell culture. Lab-on-a-Chip.13(22): 4467-75

193. O. Platas, U. Jandt, V. Sandig, R. Pörtner, A.-P. Zeng (2013)An Integrated Synchronization Approach for Studying Cell-Cycle Dependent Processes of Mammalian Cells under Physiological Conditions. BMC Proceedings 2013

192. O. Platas, V. Sandig, R. Pörtner, A.-P. Zeng (2013)Evaluation of process parameters in shake flasks for mammalian cell culture. BMC Proceedings 2013

191. Geng, J., Bi, J.X., Zeng, A.P., Yuan, J.Q. (2013)Application of hybrid cybernetic model in simulating myeloma cell culture co-consuming glucose and glutamine with mixed consumption patterns.Process Biochemistry. 48, 955 – 964.

190. U. Jandt, C. You, Y.-H. P. Zhang and A.-P. Zeng (2013)Compartmentalization and metabolic channeling for multienzymatic biosynthesis: Practical strategies and modeling approaches.Advances in Biochem. Eng./Biotechnol. 41-65.

189. Inés Ardao, Ee Taek Hwang, An-Ping Zeng (2013)In VitroMultienzymatic Reaction Systems for Biosynthesis. Advances in Biochem. Eng./Biotechnol. Vol. 137, 153-184

188. Rappert S, Song L., Sabra W., Wang W, Zeng A.-P. (2013)Draft Genome Sequence of Type Strain Clostridium pasteurianum DSM 525 (ATCC 6013), a Promising Producer of Chemicals and Fuels. Genome Announc. 2013 Jan;1(1). doi:pii: e00232-12. 10.1128.

187. Negar Rajabi, Janina Bahnemann, T.-N. Tzeng, An-Ping Zeng and Jörg Müller (2013)Microfluidic Device for the continuous preparation of Eukaryotic cells for metabolic analysis. Proccedings of MEMS2013, Taiwan.

186. Negar Rajabi, Janina Bahnemann, Judith Wahrheit, Elmar Heinzle, An-Ping Zeng, and Jörg Müller (2013)INERTIAI-based Media Exchange and Quenching For Continuous Cell Preparation in a Lab-on-a-Chip. Proceedings of the 3rdEuropean Conference on Microfluidics - Microfluidics 2012 - Heidelberg.

185. Hong-Wu Ma and An-Ping Zeng (2013)Reconstruction of Metabolic Network from Genome Information and its Structural and Functional Analysis. In:Computational Systems Biology, Second Edition (eds. A. Kriete, R. Eils), Elsevier.

184. Chen, Z.; Jandt, U.; Rappert, S.; Zeng, A.-P. (2013)Protein-Design für die Entwicklung von industriellen Mikroorganismen.Biospektrum 19, 99-101.

183. Lifu Song, Wei Wang, Georg Conrads, Anke Rheinberg, Irene Wagner-Döbler and An-Ping Zeng (2013)Genetic variability of mutans streptococci revealed by wide whole genome sequencing. BMC Genomics. 14, 430.

182. Zhen Chen and An-Ping Zeng (2013)Protein design in systems metabolic engineering for industrial strain development. Biotechnol. J. 5, 523-533.

181. David Dietz, Wael Sabra, An-Ping Zeng (2013).Metabolic interaction of Lactobacillus zeae and Veillonella criceti in co-culture for the production of propionic acid.AMBExpress2013,3:29 doi:10.1186/2191-0855-3-29.

180. W. Sabra, D. Dietz, and A.-P. Zeng (2013)Substrate limited co-culture for efficient production of propionic acid from flour hydrolysate.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 97: 5771-5777. DOI: 10.1007/s00253-013-4913.

179.Rheinberg, A;Song, L;Wang, W;,Reck, M;Wagner-Dobler, I];Zeng, AP];Conrads, G(2013)Key differences in the metabolom between Streptococcus mutans and S. sobrinus as determined by whole-genome comparison of multiple strains.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY. 303: 49-49.

178. Susann Freund, Alexander Rath, Oscar Platas Barradas, Eva Skerhutt, Sebastian Scholz, Jens Niklas, Volker Sandig, Thomas Rose, Elmar Heinzle, Thomas Noll, Ralf Pörtner, An Ping Zeng, Udo Reichl (2013)Batch-to-batch variability of two human designer cell lines AGE1.HN and AGE1.HN.AAT carried out by different laboratories under defined culture conditions using a mathematical model. Eng. Life Sci.13:580-592

177. Maria Metsoviti, An-Ping Zeng, Apostolis A. Koutinas, Seraphim Papanikolaou (2013)Enhanced 1,3-propanediol production by a newly isolated Citrobacter freundii strain cultivated on biodiesel-derived waste glycerol through sterile and non-sterile bioprocesses.J. Biotechnology. 163: 408-418.

176. L. Chen, Z. Chen, J. Sun and A.-P. Zeng (2013)Study and reengineering of the binding sites and allosteric regulation of biosynthetic threonine deaminase by isoleucine and valine inEscherichia coli.Appl. Microbial Biotechnol.97(7): 2939-49. doi: 10.1007/s00253-012-4176-z.

175. G. Feng, Z. Chen, J. Sun and A.-P. Zeng (2013)Key determinants of feedback inhibition in L-lysine-sensitive dihydrodipicolinate synthase and their reengineering for lysine biosynthesis inE. coli.Appl. Microbial Biotechnol.97 (7):1963-1971.

174. Jinshan Li, Wei Wang, Yanhe Ma, An-Ping Zeng (2013).Medium optimization and proteome analysis of (R,R)-2,3-butanediol production by Paenibacillus polymyxa ATCC 12321. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 97: 585-597.

  • 2012

173. W.-S. Hu and A.-P. Zeng (eds.)Genomics and Systems Biology of Mammalian Cell Culture.Volume 127, Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2012.

172. Feng He, Hairong Chen, Michael Probst-Kepper, Robert Geffers, Serge Eifes, Antonio del Sol, Klaus Schughart, An-Ping Zeng, and Rudi Balling (2012)PLAU inferred from a correlation network is critical for suppressor function of regulatory T cells.Mol. Sys. Bio. 8, 624.

171. Ines Ardao and An-Ping Zeng (2012).In silico evaluation of a complex multi-enzymatic system using one-pot and modular approaches: Application to the high-yield production of hydrogen from a synthetic metabolic pathway.Chem Eng. Sci. 87, 183-193.

170. Karen T. Schomburg, Inés Ardao, Katharina Götz, Fabian Rieckenberg, Andreas Liese, An-Ping Zeng, Matthias Rarey.Computational Biotechnology: Prediction of competitive substrate inhibition of enzymes by buffer compounds with protein-ligand docking.J. Biotechnol. 161, 391-401.

169. Maria Metsoviti, Kleopatra Paraskevaidi, Apostolis Koutinas, An-Ping Zeng, Seraphim Papanikolaou (2012)Production of 1,3-propanediol, 2,3-butanediol and ethanol by a newly isolated Klebsiella oxytoca strain growing on biodiesel-derived glycerol based media.Process Biochemistry. 47: 1872-1882

168. Negar Rajabi, Marko Hoffmann, Janina Bahnemann, An-Ping Zeng, Michael Schlüter and Jörg Müller(2012)A Chaotic Advection Based Microfluidic Mixer for the Preparation of Chemical and Biological Probes.Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. 45, 703-707.

167. Benedikt Schöpke and An-Ping Zeng (2012)Inference of responsive metabolic pathways from transcriptomic data with consideration of the metabolic network structure.Integrated Biology. 4(8), 889-896.

166. L. Chen, Z. Chen, J. Sun and A.-P. Zeng (2012)Study and reengineering of the binding sites and allosteric regulation of biosynthetic threonine deaminase by isoleucine and valine inEscherichia coli.Appl. Microbial Biotechnol. 97(7):2939-49. doi:10.1007/s00253-012-4176-z.

165. M. Wurm and A.-P. Zeng (2012).Numerical modeling and measurement of Green Fluorescent Protein release from cells damaged in a micronozzle.Metabolomics ,12, 1071-1077.

164. M. Wurm and A.-P. Zeng (2012).Mechanical disruption of mammalian cells in a microfluidic system and its numerical analysis based on computational fluid dynamics. Lab on Chip. 6, 1071-1077.

163. Chengwei Ma, Zhilong Xiu, A.-P. Zeng (2012)Discovery of Intramolecular Signal Transduction Network Based on a New Protein Dynamics Model of Energy Dissipation. PLoS ONE 7(2): e31529. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031529.

162. U. Jandt and A.-P. Zeng (2012).Modeling of intracellular transport and compartmentation. In Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol: Vol. 127 ”Genomics and Systems Biology of Mammalian Cell Culture” Volume Editors: A.-P. Zeng and W.-H. Hu . 127, 221-249.

161. Platas Barradas, O., Pörtner, R., Jandt, U., Phan, L.D.M., Villanueva, M.E., Rath, A., Reichl, U., Schräder, E., Scholz, S. , Noll, T., Sandig, V., A.-P. Zeng (2012)Evaluation of criteria for bioreactor comparison and operation standardisation for mammalian cell culture.Eng. Life Sciences.12, 1-11.

160. L. Song, P. Sudhakar, W. Wang, G. Conrads, A. Brock, J. Sun, I. Wagner-Döbler, A.-P. Zeng (2012)A genome-wide study of two-component signal transduction systems in eight newly sequenced mutansstreptococci strains.BMC Genomics.2012,13:128.

  • 2011

159. Chatzifragkou Afroditi; Aggelis George; Komaitis Michael; et al. (2011).Impact of anaerobiosis strategy and bioreactor geometry on the biochemical response of Clostridium butyricum VPI 1718 during 1,3-propanediol fermentation.BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY.102 (22): 10625-10632. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2011.09.023.

158. Chengwei Ma, Zhilong Xiu, A.-P. Zeng (2011)A New Concept to Reveal Protein Dynamics Based on Energy Dissipation.PLoS ONE 6(10): e26453. doi:10.1371.

157. Sercinoglu, O., Platas Barradas, O., Sandig, V., A.-P. Zeng., Pörtner, R (2011).DoE offed-batchprocesses – model-based design and experimental evaluation.BMC Proceedings2011,5(Suppl 8):P46

156. Platas Barradas, O., Jandt, U., Phan, L.D.M., Villanueva, M., Rath, A., Reichl, U., Schräder, E., Scholz, S., Noll, T., Sandig, V., Pörtner, R., A.-P. Zeng (2011).Criteria for bioreactor comparison and operation standardisation during process development for mammalian cell culture.BMC Proceedings2011,5(Suppl 8):P47

155. Schaletzky, M., Platas Barradas, O., Sievert, H., Balabanov, S., A.-P. Zeng., Pörtner, R. (2011)Cultivation strategies of a BA/F3 cell line for fundamental cell research.BMC Proceedings2011,5(Suppl 8):P48

154. Platas Barradas, O., Jandt, U., Hass, R., Kasper, C., Sandig, V., Pörtner, R., A.-P. Zeng (2011).Physical methods for synchronization of a human production cell line.BMC Proceedings2011,5(Suppl 8):P49

153b Schräder E, Scholz S, Niklas J, Rath A, Barradas OP, Jandt U, Sandig V, Rose T, Pörtner R, Reichl U, Zeng AP, Heinzle E, Noll T (2011)Characterisation of cultivation of the human cell lineAGE1.HN.AAT. BMC Proc. 2011 Nov 22;5 Suppl 8:P87

153. Michael Stelzer, Jibin Sun, A.-P. Zeng, Tom Kamphans, and Sándor Fekete (2011)An extended bioreaction database that significantly improves reconstruction and analysis of genome-scale metabolic networks.Integrative Biology. DOI: 10.1039/C1IB00008J

152. Rosarin Rujananon, Poonsuk Prasertsana, Amornrat Phongdarab, Tanate Panratb, Jibin Sun, Sugima Rappert, A.-P. Zeng (2011)Construction of recombinant E.coli expressing fusion protein to produce 1,3-propanediol.International Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences 1:1, 2011.

151. M. Metsoviti, S. Paramithiotis, E. H. Drosinos, M. Galiotou-Panayotou, G.J. Nychas, A.-P. Zeng, S. Papanikolaou (2012)Screening of bacterial strains capable of converting biodiesel derived raw glycerol into 1,3-propanediol, 2,3-butanedion and ethanol. Life Sci. Eng. 12, 57-68.

150. A.-P. Zeng (2011)New biotechnological production systems (meeting report).Biotechnol. J. xxx-xxx

149. Zhen Chen, Sugima Rappert, Jibin Sun and A.-P. Zeng (2011)Integrating molecular dynamics and co-evolutionary analysis for reliable target prediction and deregulation of the allosteric inhibition of aspartokinase for amino acid production. J. Biotechnol.154 (4), 248-254.

148. Zhen Chen, Weiqian Meyer, Sugima Rappert, Jibin Sun and A.-P. Zeng (2011)Co-evolutionary analysis enables rational deregulation of allosteric enzyme inhibition in Corynebacterium glutamicum for lysine production.Appl. Env. Microbiol. 77, 4352-4360.

147. Bo Yu, Jibin Sun, Rajesh Reddy Bommareddy, Lifu Song, A.-P. Zeng (2011)A novel (2R,3R)-2,3-Butanediol Dehydrogenase from an Industrially Potential Strain Paenibacillus polymyxa ATCC12321.Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77(12),4230-4233

146. Uwe Jandt, Shi Shao, Manfred Wirth and A.-P. Zeng (2011)Spatiotemporal modeling and analysis of transient gene delivery.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 108, 2205-2217.

145. Hong-Wu Ma, A.-P. Zeng (2011)Modularity based Network Decomposition.In:Encyclopedia of Systems Biology. W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, K. Cho & H. Yokota (eds.), Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012.

144. Hong-Wu Ma, A.-P. Zeng (2011)Top-downnetwork decomposition: methods for identifying modules in complex biological networks. In:Encyclopedia of Systems Biology. W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, K. Cho & H. Yokota (eds.), Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012.

143. A.-P. Zeng and H.W. Ma (2011)Modularity.In:Encyclopedia of Systems Biology. W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, K. Cho & H. Yokota (eds.), Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012.

142. A.-P. Zeng and Wael Sabra (2011)Microbial production of diols as platform chemicals: recent progresses.Curr. Opinion in Biotechnology. 22, 749-757.

141. Afroditi Chatzifragkou, Seraphim Papanikolaou, Agapi I. Doulgeraki, George-John E. Nychas and A.-P. Zeng. (2011)Production of 1,3-propanediol by Clostridium butyricum growing on biodiesel-derived crude glycerol through a non-sterilized fermentation process.Appl. Microbial. Biotechnol. 91,101-112.

140. Wael Sabra, Jian-Ying Dai, Hendrich Quitmann, A.-P. Zeng and Zhi-Long Xiu (2011)Microbial production of 2, 3-butanediol.In: Comprehensive Biotechnology. Second edition, Vol. 3: Industrial Biotechnology and Commodity Products. Eds. Moreina and Bai. 87-97.

139. T. Kaeding, D. Tjahjasari and A.-P. Zeng. (2011)1,3-Propanediol and Polytrimethylen terephthalate.In: Comprehensive Biotechnology. Vol. 3: Industrial Biotechnology and Commodity Products (eds. Moreina and Bai), 229-242.

  • 2010

138.A.-P. Zeng (2010)From Systems Biology tobiosystems engineering(Editorial).Engineering in Life Sciences, 10, 380-381.

137.Wael Sabra, David Dietz,Donna Tjahjasariand A.-P. Zeng (2010)Biosystems analysis and engineering of microbial consortia for industrial biotechnology.Engineering in Life Sciences, 10, 407-421.

136.Zhen Chen, Matthias Wilmanns and A.-P. Zeng (2010)Structural synthetic biotechnology: from molecular structure to predictable design of cellular processes for industrial strain development.Trends in Biotechnology.28, 534-542.

135. Xin Lu, Jibin Sun, Manfred Nimtz, Josef Wissing, A.-P. Zeng and Ursula Rinas (2010).The proteome ofAspergillus nigergrowing on synthetic medium with xylose or maltose as carbon source.Microbial Cell Factories 9:23.

134.Afroditi Chatzifragkou, David Dietz, Michael Komaitis, A.-P. Zengand Seraphim Papanikolaou (2010).Effect of biodiesel-derived waste glycerol impurities on biomass and 1,3-propanediol production of Clostridium butyricum VPI 1718.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 107, 76-84.

133. M. Wurm, B. Schöpke, D. Lutz and A.-P. Zeng (2010).Microtechnology meets systems biology: The small molecules of metabolome as next big targets.J. Biotechnol. 149,33-51.

132. R. Grote, B. Schöpke, A.-P. Zeng and G. Antranikian (2010)Biotransformationsreaktionen in Mikrosystemtechnik - Visionen für die Industrielle Biotechnik. In: "Nach uns, ohne Öl: Auf dem Weg zu nachhaltiger Produktion", M. Angrick (Ed.),Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg. Pp.129-141.

131. Özlem Aydoğan, Emine Bayraktar, Ülkü Mehmetoğlu, Thomas Kaeding and A.-P. Zeng (2010).Selection and Optimization of an Aqueous Two-Phase System for the Recovery of 1,3-Propandiol from Fermentation Broth.Engineering in Life Sciences, 10: 121-129.

130. M. Marcin Bizukojc, David Dietz, Jibin Sun, A.-P. Zeng (2010).Metabolic modelling of syntrophic-like growth of a 1,3-propanediol producerClostridium butyricumand a methanogenic archeonMethanosarcina mazeiunder anaerobic conditions. Bioprocess and Biosyst. Eng. 33:507-523.

  • 2009

129. Feng He, Rudi Balling,A.-P. Zeng (2009)Reverse engineering and verification of gene networks: Principles, assumptions and limitations of present methods and future perspectives. J. Biotechnol.144, 190-203.

128. A.-P. Zeng and J. Sun. (2009)Continuous culture.In: Manual of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 3nd. edition, R.H. Baltz, J.E. Davies and A. L. Demain (Eds.), American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. pp. 685-699.

127. M. Flipphi, J. Sun, X. Robellet. L. Karaffa, E. Fekete, A.-P. Zeng, C. P. Kubicek (2009)Biodiversity and evolution of primary carbon metabolism in Aspergillus nidulans and other Aspergillus spp. Fungal Genetics and Biology 46, 19–44.

126. W. Sabra and A.-P. Zeng (2009).Microbial production of alginates: Physiology and process aspects. In B. H.A. Rehm (Ed.) Alginates: Biology and Applications. Springer-Verlag. Pp153-175.

  • 2008

125. L. Hilterhaus, B. Minow, J. Müller, M. Berheide, H. Quitmann, M. Katzer, G. Antranikian, A.-P. Zeng, A. Liese (2008)Application of Sepabeads in Different Reactor Setups on a Preparative Scale.Bioprocess Biosyst. Eng.31, 163-171.

124. J. Sun and A.-P. Zeng (2008)Systems Biotechnology. In: Report on the Development of Industrial Biotechnology. Ed. P. Xu, Beijing.

123. Y.-H. Liu, J.-X. Bi, A.-P. Zeng, J.-Q. Yuan (2008). A simple kinetic model for myeloma cell culture with consideration of lysine limitation.Bioprocess Biosyst. Eng. 31, 127-135.

122. Z.-L. Xiu and A.-P. Zeng (2008).Present state and perspective of downstream processing of biologically produced 1,3-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol. Appl. Microbial Biotechnol. 78: 917-926.

121. Márcio Rosa da Silva, Hongwu Ma, A.-P. Zeng.(2008).Centrality, Network Capacity, and Modularity as Parameters to Analyze the Core-Periphery Structure in Metabolic Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE 96, 1411-1420.

120. Y.-H. Liu, J.-X. Bi, A.-P. Zeng, J.-Q. Yuan (2008).A cybernetic model to describe the dynamics of myeloma cell line cultivations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 205, 84–97.

119. Q. Zhang, H. Teng, Y. Sun, Z. Xiu and A.-P. Zeng (2008)Metabolic flux and robustness analysis of glycerol metabolism inKlebsiella pneumoniae. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng. 31. 127-135.

118. Ya-Qin Sun, Wen-Tao Qi, Hu Teng, Zhi-Long Xiu, An-Ping Zeng (2008).Mathematical Modeling of Glycerol Fermentation by Klebsiella pneumoniae: Concerning Both Enzyme-Catalytic Reductive Pathway and Transport of Glycerol and 1,3-Propanediol Across Cell Membrane. Biochem. Eng. J., 2008, 3822-32.

  • 2007

117. C. Ulmer and A.-P. Zeng (2007).Microbial production of 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde from glycerol bioconversion.Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 21; 321-326.

116. P. Zheng, J Sun, R. Geffers, A.-P. Zeng (2007)Functional characterization of the gene PA2384 in large scale gene regulation in response to iron starvation inPseudomonas aeruginosa.J. Biotechnol. 132: 342-352.

115. Y.-H. Liu, J.-X. Bi, A.-P. Zeng, J.-Q. Yuan (2007).A population balance model describing thecell cycle dynamics of myeloma cell cultivation.Biotechnol. Prog. 23:1198-1209.

114. Pel,H.J., de Winde,J.H., Archer,D.B., Dyer,P.S., Hofmann,G., Schaap,P.J., Turner,G., de Vries,R.P., Albang,R., Albermann,K., Andersen,M.R., Bendtsen,J.D., Benen,J.A., van den,B.M., Breestraat,S., Caddick,M.X., Contreras,R., Cornell,M., Coutinho,P.M., Danchin,E.G., Debets,A.J., Dekker,P., van Dijck,P.W., van Dijk,A., Dijkhuizen,L., Driessen,A.J., d'Enfert,C., Geysens,S., Goosen,C., Groot,G.S., de Groot,P.W., Guillemette,T., Henrissat,B., Herweijer,M., van den Hombergh,J.P., van den Hondel,C.A., van der Heijden,R.T., van der Kaaij,R.M., Klis,F.M., Kools,H.J., Kubicek,C.P., van Kuyk,P.A., Lauber,J., Lu,X., van der Maarel,M.J., Meulenberg,R., Menke,H., Mortimer,M.A., Nielsen,J., Oliver,S.G., Olsthoorn,M., Pal,K., van Peij,N.N., Ram,A.F., Rinas,U., Roubos,J.A., Sagt,C.M., Schmoll,M., Sun,J., Ussery,D., Varga,J., Vervecken,W., van de Vondervoort,P.J., Wedler,H., Wosten,H.A., Zeng,A.P., van Ooyen,A.J., Visser,J., Stam,H. (2007)Genome sequencing and analysis of the versatile cell factoryAspergillus nigerCBS 513.88. Nat.Biotechnol. 25: 221-231.

113. F. He, J. Buer, A.-P. Zeng, R. Balling (2007)Dynamic cumulative activity of transcription factors as a mechanism of quantitative gene regulation in multi-regulator transcriptional regulatory motifs.Genome Biology.8:R181

112. J. Sun, X. Liu, U. Rinas and A.-P. Zeng (2007)Metabolic pecularities ofAspergillus nigerdisclosed by comparative metabolic genomics. Genome Biology.8:R182.

111. M. da Silva, H. Ma, J.Sun, F. He, A.-P. Zeng (2007)Metabolic network. InB. H. Junker,F. Schreiber(eds.) Biological Network Analysis, Wiley: 233-253

110. B. Ma, F. He, J. Jablonska, S. Winkelbach, W. Lindenmaier, A.-P. Zeng, and K. Dittmar (2007)A system approach for six-colour segmentation analysis of multi-colour images in the infection studies of Listeria monocytogenes. Microscopy Research & Technique. 70 (2):171-178.

109. Ma H., Rosa da Silva M., Sun J., Kumar B., A.-P. Zeng (2007)Reconstruction and Structural Analysis of Metabolic and Regulatory Networks.In: “Introduction to Systems Biology“. Eds. Sangdun Choi, Humana Press.

108. Zhou F, Bi JX, A.-P. Zeng, Yuan JQ (2007)Macrokinetic model for myeloma cell culture based on stoichiometric balance.Biotechnol Appl Biochem.46: 85–95.

107. Y. Li, J. Bi, W. Zhou, Y. Huang, L. Sun, A.-P. Zeng, G. Ma, Z. Su (2007)Characterization of the large size aggregation of Hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) formed in ultrafiltration process.Process Biochemistry.42: 315-319.

  • 2006

106. Q. Zhang, Z.-L. Xiu and A.-P. Zeng (2006)Optimization of microbial production of 1,3-propanediol byKlebsiella pneumoniaeunder anaerobic and microaerobic conditions by metabolic flux analysis. J. Chem. Ind. Eng. 57, 1403-1409.

105. W. Wang, J. Sun, R. Homann, A.-P. Zeng and W-D. Deckwer (2006) Proteomic characterization of transient expression and secretion of a stress-related metalloprotease in high cell density culture of Bacillus megaterium. J. Biotechnology. 126: 313-324.

104. Zheng P, Sun J., van den Heuvel J, A.-P. Zeng (2006).Discovery and investigation of a new, second triose phosphate isomerase in Klebsiella pneumoniae.J Biotechnol.125(4):462-473.

103. A.-P. Zeng (2006)Editorial.Process Biochemistry(Special Issue:From Biochemical Engineering to Systems Biology- In honour of Dr. Wolf-Dieter Deckwer). 41(10):2101-2102

102. Zheng P, Wereath K, Sun J, van den Heuvel J and A.-P. Zeng.Overexpression of genes of the dha regulon and its effects on cell growth, glycerol fermentation to 1,3-propanediol and plasmid stability inKlebsiella pneumoniae.Process Biochemistry.2006. 41(10):2160-2169

101. Zhou F, Bi J, A.-P. Zeng and Yuan J.A macrokinetic and regulator model for myeloma cell culture based on metabolic balance of pathways.Process Biochemistry.2006. 41(10):2207-2217

100. J. Sun, W. Wang, C. Hundertmark, A.-P. Zeng, D. Jahn and W.-D. Deckwer (2006).A protein database constructed from low-coverage genomic sequence ofBacillus megateriumand its use for accelerated proteomic analysis.J. Biotechnol. 124(3):486-95.

99. W.-D. Deckwer, D. Jahn, D. Hempel, A.-P. Zeng.(2006)System Biology Approach to Bioprocess Development.Life Science Eng. 6: 455-469.

98. W.-D. Deckwer, D. Jahn, A.-P. Zeng, D. Hempel (2006)Systembiologische Ansätze zur Prozessentwicklung.Chem. Ing. Tech.78, 193-207.


97. F. He and A.-P. Zeng.(2006)In search of functional association of genes from time-series microarry expression data by a new method based on change trend and expression levels of genes.BMC Bioinformatics7:69.

  • 2005

96 b. Wee, YJ; Yun, JS; Lee, YY; A.-P. Zeng, H.W. Ryu (2005)Recovery of lactic acid by repeated batch electrodialysis and lactic acid production using electrodialysis wastewater. JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING. 99: 104-108 .

96. Jan Buer, Astrid M. Westendorf, A.-P. Zeng, Wiebke Hansen & Michael Probst-Kepper(2005)Mechanisms of central and peripheral T cell tolerance: An update.Transfus Med Hemother. 32: (DOI:10.1159/000089128)

95. Zhang F., Bi J.X., A.-P. Zeng ., Yuan J.Q (2005)A simple kinetic model for myeloma cell growth with lysin as a limiting substrate.J. of Shanghai Jiaotong University. 139, 182-186.

94. A.-P. Zeng and J. Bi (2005)Cell Culture Kinetics and Modeling. In: S.S. Ozturk and W.-S. Hu (eds.) Cell Culture Technology for Pharmaceutical and Cellular Therapies. Taylor & Francis Group, Atlanta. pp: 299-347.

93. B. Kumar, H. Ma and A.-P. Zeng (2005)An integrated cellular network ofEscherichia coliand its structural analysis.Proceedings of Foundation of Systems Biology in Engineering. University of California, Santa Babara, USA, August 7-10. pp 107-110.

92. H. Ma, A.-P. Zeng (2005)Reconstruction of metabolic network from genome information and its structural and functional analysis.In: R. Eils and A. Kriete (Eds.) Computational Systems Biology, Elsevier Inc., USA. Pp: 169-189.

91. Sun J, Gunzer F, Buer J, Gößling F, Scharfe M, Blöcker H and A.-P. Zeng(2005).Genomic peculiarity of coding sequences and metabolic potential of the probioticEscherichia colistrain Nissle 1917 inferred from raw genome sequence. J. Biotechnol. 117 (2): 147-161.

90. A.-P. Zeng, J. Sun, W. Wang, H. Ma and W.-D. Deckwer (2006)Application of genomic and proteomic data for bioprocess analysis and optimisation.In S.T. Yang (ed.) Bioprocessing for value-added products from renewable resources. Elservier Inc, USA.Pp: 25-48.

89. E.-J. Kim, W.-D. Deckwer, W. Wang and A.-P. Zeng (2005)Expression of the quorum sensing regulator protein LasR of is strongly affected by iron deficiency and oxygen concentration inPseudomonas aeruginosairrespective of cell density.Microbiology, 151: 1127-1138.

  • 2004

88. H. Ma, B. Kumar, U. Ditges, Gunzer F, J. BuerandA.-P. Zeng (2004)An extended transcriptional regulatory network ofEscherichia coliand analysis of its hierarchical structure and network motifs.Nucleic Acids Res. 32: 6643-6649.

87. H. Ma, J. Buer and A.-P. Zeng (2004)Hierarchical structure and modules in theEscherichia colitranscriptional regulatory network revealed by a new top-down approach. BMC Bioinformatcs, 5:199.

86. J. Sun, R. Daniel, I. Wagner-Döbler and A.-P. Zeng (2004)Is autoinducer-2 a universal signal for interspecies communication? A comparative and phylogenetic genomic analysis of the synthesis and signal transduction pathways.BMC Evolutionary Biology, 4:36.

85. J. Sun and A.-P. Zeng.(2004)Identics- Identification of coding sequences andin silicoreconstruction of the metabolic network directly from unannotated low-coverage bacterial genome sequences. BMC Bioinformatics, 5:112.

84. U. Ditges, M Hartmann, S Coldewey, HW Ma, A.-P. Zeng, F Gunzer (2004) Acidresistancein enterohemorrhagicE-coli: Is there a link to the serotype?International Journal ofMedical Microbiology 294:161-161 Suppl. 39.

83. H. Ma, X.-M. Zhao, Y-J. Yuan and A.-P. Zeng.(2004)Decomposition of metabolic network into functional modules based on the global connectivity structure of reaction graph.Bioinformatics. 20: 1870-1876.

82. H. Ma and A.-P. Zeng.(2004)Phylogenetic comparasion of metabolic capacities of organisms at genome level.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 31, 204-213.

81. F. He, H. Ma, X.-M. Zhao, Y.-J. Yuan, A.-P. Zeng.(2004)Progress and perspective in the application of bioinformatics for the analysis of metabolic networks.J. Chem. Ind. Eng.(Chinese).55:1593-1601.

80. A.-P. Zeng and E.-J. Kim (2004)Iron availability, oxygen limitation,Pseudomonas aeruginosaand cystic fibrosis. Microbiology. 150: 516-518.

79. Z.-L. Xiu, B.-H. Song, Z.-T. Wang, L.-H. Sun, E.-M. Feng and A.-P. Zeng.(2004)Optimization of dissimilation of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol byKlebsiella pneumoniaein one- and two-stage anaerobic cultures. Biochem. Eng. J., 19: 189–197.

  • 2003

78. H. Ma and A.-P. Zeng.(2003)The connectivity structure, giant strong component and centrality of metabolic networks.Bioinformatics. 19: 1423-1430.

77. H. Ma and A.-P. Zeng.(2003)Reconstruction of metabolic networks from genome data and analysis of their global structure for various organisms.Bioinformatics. 19: 270-277.

76. W. Wang, J. Sun, M. Nimtz, W.-D. Deckwer and A.-P. Zeng. (2003)Protein identification from 2-dimentional gel electrophoresis analysis ofKlebsiella pneumoniaebycombined use of mass spectrometry data and unannotated genome sequences.Proteome Science. 1, 6


75. J. Sun, J. van den Heuvel, P. Soucaille and A.-P. Zeng.(2003)Comparativegenomicanalysis ofdharegulonandrelated genes foranaerobic glycerol metabolismin microorganisms.Biotechnol. Prog. 19: 263-272.

74. W. Wang, J. Sun, M. Hartlep, W.-D. Deckwer and A.-P. Zeng. (2003)Combined use of proteomic analysis and enzyme activity assay for metabolic pathway analysis of glycerol fermentation byKlebsiella pneumoniae.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 83: 525-536.

73. J.-J. Qiao, Y.-J. Yuan, H. Zhao1, J.-C. Wuand A.-P. Zeng.(2003)Apoptotic cell death in suspension cultures ofTaxus cuspidataco-treated with salicylic acid and hydrogen peroxide.Biotechnology Letters25: 387–390.

72. Qiao JJ, Zhao H, Ge ZQ, Yuan YJ, A.-P. Zeng (2003). 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis on protein patterns from suspension cultures of Taxus cuspidate induced by SA.
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology. 19(1): 92-96.

71. E.-J. Kim, W. Sabra, A.-P. Zeng.(2003)Iron deficiency leads to inhibition of oxygen transfer and enhanced formation of virulence factors inPseudomonas aeruginosacultures. Microbiology 149, 2627-2634.

70. J.-X. Bi, P. Buhr, A.-P. Zeng and M. Wirth (2003)The Humanc-fosPromoter Mediates High-level, Inducible Expression in Various Mammalian Cell Lines. Biotechnol. Bioeng.81: 845-854.

69. W. Sabra, H. Lünsdorf and A.-P. Zeng (2003)Alterations in the formation of lipopolysaccharide and membrane vesicle on the surface ofPseudomonas aeruginosaPAO1under oxidative stress conditions.Microbiology. 149, 2789-2795.

  • 2002

68. J. Bi, M. Wirth, C. Beer, E.-J. Kim and A.-P. Zeng.(2002)Dynamic characterization of recombinant Chinese Hamster Ovary cells containing an induciblec-fospromoter GFP expression system as a biomarker.J. Biotechnol. 93: 231-242.

67. A.-P. Zeng and H. Biebl (2002)Bulk-Chemicals from Biotechnology: the case of microbial production of 1,3-propanediol and the new trends.In K. Schügerl and A.-P. Zeng.(Eds.) Tools and Applications of Biochemical Engineering Science. Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol. Vol. 74: 237-257.

66. Z.-Y. Ma; Y.-J. Yuan; J.-C. Wu and A.-P. Zeng.(2002)Apoptotic cell death in suspension cultures ofTaxus chinensisvar. mairei.Biotechnol. Letters 24(7): 573-577.

65. Y.-J. Yuan, Z.-Y. Ma, J.-C. Wu and A.-P. Zeng.(2002)Taxol-induced apoptotic cell death in suspension cultures ofTaxus cuspidate.Biotechnol. Letters 24(8): 615-618.

64. Yuan, Y.-J., Li, C., Hu, Z.-D., J-C. Wu, A.-P. Zeng . (2002) Fungal Elicitor-Induced Cell Apoptosis in Suspension Cultures ofTaxus chinensisvar.maireifor Taxol Production.Process Biochem.38: 193-198.

63. Xiu, Z.-L., Song , B.-H., Sun, L.-H. and A.-P. Zeng . (2002)Theoretical analysis of effects of metabolic overflow and time delay on the performance and dynamic behavior of a two-stage fermentation process.Biochemical Eng. J. 11, 101-109.

62. Xiu, Z.-L., Chang, Z.-Y. and A.-P. Zeng . (2002)Nonlinear dynamics of regulation of bacterialtrpoperon: model analysis of integrated effects of repression, feedback inhibition and attenuation.Biotechnol. Progress. 18. 686-693.

61. A.-P. Zeng, J. Modak and W.-D. Deckwer (2002)Nonlinear dynamics of eucaryotic pyruvate dehydrogenase multi-enzyme complex: Decarboxylation rate, oscillations and multiplicity.Biotechnol. Prog. 18: 1265-1276.

60. J. Modak, W.-D. Deckwer and A.-P. Zeng.(2002)Metabolic control analysis of eucaryotic pyruvate dehydrogenase multi-enzyme complex.Biotechnol. Prog. 18: 1157-1169.

59. W. Sabra, E.J. Kim and A.-P. Zeng.(2002)Physiological responses ofPseudomonas aeruginosaPAO1 to oxidative stress in controlled microaerobic and aerobic culture.Microbiology. 148: 3195-3202.

58. M. Hartlep, W. Hussmann, N. Prayitno, I. Meynial-Salles and A.-P. Zeng.(2002)Study of two-stage processes for the microbial production of 1,3-propanediol from glucose.App. Microbial. Biotechnol. 60:60-66.

57. Sabra W., Ma H., Wang W., Kim E.-J., A.-P. Zeng (2002)Rekonstruktion und Simulation des metabolischen Netzwerks vonPseudomonas aeruginosafür die Bildung von Virulenzfaktoren. Chem.-Ing. Tech. 74: 688.

56. K. Schügerl and A.-P. Zeng (eds.)Tools and Applications of Biochemical Engineering Science.Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Vol. 74,Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002.

  • 2001

55. Wael Sabra, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (2001)Microbial alginates: physiology, quality and process aspects.Appl. Microbial. Biotechnol. 56: 315-325.

54. Yuan, Y.-J., Ma Z.Y., Ge Z.Q, Miao Z.Q., A.-P. Zeng . (2001)Apoptosis and taxol production in suspension cultures ofTaxusspp. cells.J. Chem. Ind. Eng. 51, 43-46.

  • 2000

53. Wael Sabra, A.-P. Zeng, H. Lünsdorf and W.-D. Deckwer (2000)Effect of Oxygen on the Formation and Structure ofAzotobacter vinelandiiAlginate and its Role in Protecting Nitrogenase.Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66 (9): 4037-4044.

52. Z.-L. Xiu, A.-P. Zeng, L.J. An and W.-D. Deckwer (2000)Transient responses and mathematical modeling ofKlebsiella pneumoniaeto dilution rate and glycerol concentration step changes in continuous culture.J. Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities. Vol. 14, No.1: 53-58.

51. A.-P. Zeng and M. Linz (2000)Programmed cell death (apoptosis) in animal cell culture: physiological and kinetic aspects.In: J.J. Zhong (ed.): Advances in Applied Biotechnology. ECUST Press, Shanghai. pp. 64-77.

  • 1999

50. H. Biebl, K. Menzel, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1999)Microbial production of 1,3-propanediol.App. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 52: 289-297.

49. Z.-L. Xiu and A.-P. Zeng.(1999)Progress in the study of oscillatory and chaotic behavior of microbial continuous culture.Biotechnology Progress. 19 (6): 58-63.

48. Z.-L. Xiu, W.-D. Deckwer and A.-P. Zeng.(1999)Estimation of rates of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide evolution of animal cell culture using material and energy balance.Cytotechnology. 15, 1-8.

47. A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1999)Model simulation and analysis of perfusion cultures of animal cells at high cell density.Biotechnol. Prog. 15: 373-382.

46. Wael Sabra, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1999)Effects of phosphate and dissolved oxygen concentrations on alginate production and stoichiometry of metabolism ofAzotobacter vinelandiiin pO2-controlled microaerobic culture. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 52: 773-780.

45. S. Brandt, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1999)Adsorption capacity as a key parameter for enzyme induction and pentachlorophenol degradation inMycobacterium chlorophenolicumPCP-1.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 65: 93-99.

44. A.-P. Zeng.(1999)Continuous culture.In: Manual of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2nd. edition, A. L. Demain and N. A. Solomon (Eds.), American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. pp:151-164.

  • 1998

43. Z.-L. Xiu, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1998)Multiplicity and stability analysis of microorganisms in continuous culture: Effect of metabolic overflow and growth inhibition.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 57: 251-261.

42. A.-P. Zeng, W.-D. Deckwer and W.-S. Hu (1998)Determinants and rate laws of growth and death of animal cells in continuous cultures.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 57: 642-654.

41. A.-P. Zeng, W.-S. Hu and W.-D. Deckwer (1998)Variation of stoichiometric ratios and their correlation for monitoring and control of animal cell cultures.Biotechnol. Prog. 14: 434-441.

40. A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1998)Neue Ansätze zur Modellierung, regelung und Überwachung tierischer Zellkulturen.Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 70, 1127-1128.

39. K. Ahrens, K. Menzel, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1998)Kinetic, dynamic and pathway studies of glycerol metabolism byKlebsiella pneumoniaein anaerobic continuous culture. Part III: Enzymes and fluxes of glycerol dissimilation and 1,3-propanediol formation.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 59: 544-552.

38. K. Menzel, K. Ahrens, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1998).Kinetic, dynamic and pathway studies of glycerol metabolism byKlebsiella pneumoniaein anaerobic continuous culture. Part IV: Enzymes and fluxes of pyruvate metabolism.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 60:617-626.

37. H. Biebl, A.-P. Zeng, K. Menzel and W.-D. Deckwer (1998)Glycerol fermentation to 1,3-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol byKlebsiella pneumoniae.App. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 50: 24-29.

36. C. Wittmann, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1998)Physiological characterization and cultivation strategies of the pentachlorophenol degrading bacteriaSphingomonas chlorophenolicaRA2 andMycobacterium chlorophenolicum-PCP1.J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 21, 315-321.

  • 1997

35. K. Menzel, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1997)High concentration and productivity of 1,3-propanediol from continuous fermentation of glycerol byKlebsiella pneumoniae.Enzyme Microbiol. Technol. 20: 82-86.

34. K. Menzel, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1997)Enzymatic evidence of involvement of pyruvate dehydrogenase in anaerobic glycerol metabolism byKlebsiella pneumoniae.J. Biotechnol. 56: 135-142.

33. M. Linz, A.-P. Zeng, R. Wagner and W.-D. Deckwer (1997)Stoichiometry, kinetics, and regulation of glucose and amino acid metabolism of a recombinant BHK cell line in batch and continuous cultures.Biotechnol. Prog. 13: 453-463.

32. Z.-L. Xiu, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1997)Model analysis concerning effects of growth rate and intracellular tryptophan level on the stability and dynamics of tryptophan operon and tryptophan biosynthesis in bacteria.J. Biotechnol. 58: 125-140.

31.S. Brandt, A.-P. Zeng, and W.-D. Deckwer (1997)Adsorption and desorption of pentachlorophenol on cells ofMycobacterium chlorophenolicum.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 53: 480-489.

30. A.-P. Zeng, H. Biebl and W.-D. Deckwer (1997)Microbial conversion of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol - Recent progress.Chapter 14, pp 264 - 279 in: B. C. Saha and J. Woodward (eds.) Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass. ACS Symposium Series 666, American Chemical Society, Washinton, DC.

  • 1996

29. A.-P. Zeng.(1996)Analysis and mathematical modeling of monoclonal antibody production by hybridoma cells.Biotechol. Bioeng. 50, 238-247.

28. A.-P. Zeng.(1996)Quantitative assessment of effect of cell density on metabolism and monoclonal antibody production of hybridoma cells.J. Biotechnol. 45, 243-251.

27. A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1996)Bioreaction techniques under low oxygen tension and oxygen limitation: from molecular level to pilot plant reactor.Chem. Eng. Sci. 51: 2305-2314.

26. A.-P. Zeng.(1996)Pathway and kinetic analysis of glycerol fermentation byClostridium butyricum.Bioprocess Eng. 14, 169-175.

25. K. Menzel, A.-P. Zeng, H. Biebl and W.-D. Deckwer (1996)Kinetic, dynamic and pathway studies of glycerol metabolism byKlebsiella pneumoniaein anaerobic continuous culture. Part I: The phenomena and characterisation of oscillation and hysteresis.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 52, 549-560

24. A.-P. Zeng, K. Menzel and W.-D. Deckwer (1996)Kinetic, dynamic and pathway studies of glycerol metabolism byKlebsiella pneumoniaein anaerobic continuous culture. Part II: Analysis of metaboic fluxes and pathways under oscillation and steady-state conditions.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 52, 561-571.

  • 1995

23. A.-P. Zeng. (1995)A kinetic model for product formation of microbial and mammalian cells.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 46, 314-324.

22. A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1995)Mathematical modeling and analysis of glucose and glutamine utilization and regulation in cultures of continuous mammalian cells.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 47, 334-346.

21. A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1995)A kinetic model for substrate and energy consumption of microbial growth under substrate-sufficient conditions.Biotech. Prog. 11: 71-79.

20. A.-P. Zeng.(1995)A new balance equation of reducing equivalents for data consistency check and calculations of bioprocesses.J. Biotechnol. 43: 111-124.

19. C. Wittmann, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1995)Growth inhibition by ammonium and the use of pH-controlled feeding for effective cultivation ofMycobacterium chlorophenolicus.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 44: 519-525.

18. B. O. Solomoon, A.-P. Zeng, H. Biebl, H .Schlieker, C. Posten and W.-D. Deckwer (1995)Comparison of the energetic efficiencies of hydrogen and oxychemicals formation inKlebsiella pneumoniaeand someClostridiaduring anaerobic growth on glycerol.J. Biotechnol. 39, 107-117.

17. A.-P. Zeng, K. Menzel, H. Biebl and W.-D. Deckwer (1995) Analysis of oscillation and hysteresis in continuous fermentation of glycerol byK. pneumoniae. In R.D. Schmid (ed.) Biochemical Engineering 3, pp 174-177, Kurz & Co, GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany.

16. A.-P. Zeng.(1995)Effect of CO2 absorption on the measurement of CO2 evolution rate in aerobic and anaerobic continuous cultures. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 42: 688-691.

  • 1994

15. T.-G. Byun, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1994)Reactor comparison and scale-up for the microaerobic production of 2,3-butanediol byEnterobacter aerogenesat constant oxygen transfer rate.Bioprocess Eng. 11: 167-175.

14. A.-P. Zeng, T.-G. Byun, C. Posten and W.-D. Deckwer (1994)Use of the respiratory quotient as a control parameter for optimum oxygen supply and scale-up of 2,3-butanediol production under microaerobic conditions.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 44: 1107-1114.

13b. C. Wittmann, A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1994)Minimal nutrient requirement for growth ofMycobacterium chlorophenolicus.Biotechnol. Lett. 16 (10): 1103-1106.

13. A.-P. Zeng, A. Roß, H. Biebl, C. Tag, B. Günzel and W.-D. Deckwer (1994)Multiple product inhibition and growth modeling ofClostridium butyricumandKlebsiella pneumoniaein glycerol fermentation.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 44: 902-911.

12. B. O. Solomoon, A.-P. Zeng, H. Biebl, A.O. Ejiofor, C. Posten and W.-D. Deckwer (1994)Effects of substrate limitation on product distribution and H2/CO2 ratio inKlebsiella pneumoniaeduring anaerobic fermentation of glycerol.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 42: 222-226.

11. A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1994)Pathway analysis of oxygen utilization and tricarboxylic acid cycle activity inSaccharomyces cerevisiaegrowing on glucose.J. Biotechnol. 37: 67-77.

10. A.-P. Zeng, P. Ghosh and W.-D. Deckwer (1994)Bioenergetic concepts applied to the modelling of a microaerobic process.In T.K. Ghose (ed.) Process Computations in Biotechnology. Vol II. pp: 376-394, TATA McGraw-Hill, Bombay.

  • 1993

9. A.-P. Zeng, H. Biebl, H. Schlieker and W.-D. Deckwer (1993)Pathway analysis of glycerol fermentation byKlebsiella pneumoniae: Regulation of reducing equivalent balance and product formation.Enzyme Microb. Technol. 15: 770-779.

  • 1992

8. A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1992)Utilization of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, a reactor design criterion for the microaerobic production of 2,3-butanediol.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 40: 1078 - 1084.

7. A.-P. Zeng, T.-G. Byun und W.-D. Deckwer (1992)Die Ausnutzung des Tricarbonsäurezyklus: Eine wichtige Kenngröße zur Führung mikroaerober Prozesse.Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 64, 731-734.

  • 1991

6. A.-P. Zeng, H. Biebl and W.-D. Deckwer (1991)Production of 2,3-butanediol in a membrane bioreactor with cell recycle.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.34: 463-468.

5. A.-P. Zeng and W.-D. Deckwer (1991)A model for multiproduct-inhibited growth ofEnterobacter aerogenesin 2,3-butanediol fermentation.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 35: 1-3.

4. A.-P. Zeng, T.G. Byun and W.-D. Deckwer (1991)On-line estimation of viable biomass of a microaerobic culture from exit gas analysis.Biotechnol. Techniques, 5(4): 247 - 250.

  • 1990

3. A.-P. Zeng, A. Ross and W.-D. Deckwer (1990)A method to estimate the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation and biomass yield from ATP of a facultative anaerobe in continuous culture.Biotechnol. Bioeng. 36: 965-969.

2. A.-P. Zeng, H. Biebl and W.-D. Deckwer (1990)2,3-Butanediol production byEnterobacter aerogenesin continuous culture: role of oxygen supply.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 33: 264-268.

1. A.-P. Zeng, H. Biebl and W.-D. Deckwer (1990)Effect of pH and acetic acid on growth and 2,3-butanediol production of Enterobacter aerogenes in continuous culture.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 33: 485-489.
