
ThegsmrR-package implements the GSMR (Generalised Summary-data-based Mendelian Randomisation) method that uses GWAS summary statistics to test for a putative causal association between two phenotypes (e.g., a modifiable risk factor and a disease) based on a multi-SNP model (Zhu et al. 2018 Nature Communications) and (Xue et al. 2024 Communications Medicine). The R package is developed byZhihong Zhu,Angli Xue,Zhili Zheng,Futao Zhang, andJian Yang. Bug reports or questions:jian.yang@westlake.edu.cn.

Note:The GSMR/GSMR2 method has also been implemented in the GCTA software (GCTA-GSMR)


GSMR:Zhu, Z. et al. (2018) Causal associations between risk factors and common diseases inferred from GWAS summary data.Nature Communications, 9: 224.

GSMR2:Xue, A. et al. (2024) Unravelling the complex causal effects of substance use behaviours on common diseases.Communications Medicine 4.1 (2024): 43.

Source code


Note: We have included a new HEIDI-outlier filtering method (as part of the GSMR analysis) since gsmr v1.0.7, and formally released it in GSMR2 v1.1.1 package in Xue et al. (Communications Medicine. 2024).All future updates will be based on the GSMR2 package.

Sample data are available intest_data.zip. This document has been integrated in the gsmr R-package, we can check it by the standard command “?function_name” in R.


Thegsmr/gsmr2requires R >= 2.15, you can install it in R by:

# gsmr requires the R-package(s)install.packages(c('survey'));# install gsmr2install.packages(devtools::install_github("jianyanglab/gsmr2"))

Update log

V1.1.1 (gmr_1.1.1.tar.gzPDF, 22 Jul. 2022): Fixed a bug of unused arguments error in V1.1.0.

V1.1.0 (gmr_1.1.0.tar.gzPDF, 13 Jun. 2022): Updated the multi-SNP-based HEIDI-outlier filtering method in gsmr2_beta.

V1.0.9 (gmr_1.0.9.tar.gzPDF, 18 Jun. 2019): Change the flag ‘gsmr_beta’ to ‘gsmr2_beta’.

V1.0.8 (gmr_1.0.8.tar.gzPDF, 21 Jan. 2019): Added a flag ‘gsmr_beta’ to use a testing version of the HEIDI-outlier method.

V1.0.7 (gmr_1.0.7.tar.gzPDF, 9 Oct. 2018): Added a multi-SNP-based HEIDI-outlier test in the HEIDI-outlier analysis.

V1.0.6 (gmr_1.0.6.tar.gzPDF, 23 Jan. 2018): Added a function to remove SNPs in high LD.

V1.0.5 (gmr_1.0.5.tar.gzPDF, 13 Dec. 2017): Improved the approximation of the sampling covariance matrix.

V1.0.4 (gsmr_1.0.4.tar.gzPDF, 6 Nov. 2017): Added the bi-directional GSMR analysis. The HEIDI-outlier analysis has been integrated in the GSMR analysis by default.

V1.0.3 (gsmr_1.0.3.tar.gzPDF, 12 Oct. 2017): Added more example data.

Removed the initial versions (8 Nov 2016).


The GSMR/GSMR2 analysis only requires summary-level data from GWAS. Here is an example, where the risk factor (x) is LDL cholesterol (LDL-c) and the disease (y) is coronary artery disease (CAD). GWAS summary data for both LDL-c and CAD are available in the public domain (Global Lipids Genetics Consortium et al. 2013, Nature Genetics; Nikpay, M. et al. 2015, Nature Genetics).

1. Prepare data for GSMR analysis

1.1 Load the GWAS summary data

library("gsmr2") data("gsmr") head(gsmr_data)
## SNP a1 a2 a1_freq bzx bzx_se bzx_pval bzx_n bzy## 1 rs10903129 A G 0.45001947 -0.0328 0.0037 3.030e-17 169920.0 0.008038## 2 rs12748152 T C 0.08087758 0.0499 0.0066 3.209e-12 172987.5 0.013671## 3 rs11206508 A G 0.14396988 0.0434 0.0055 2.256e-14 172239.0 0.030222## 4 rs11206510 C T 0.19128911 -0.0831 0.0050 2.380e-53 172812.0 -0.074519## 5 rs10788994 T C 0.18395430 0.0687 0.0049 8.867e-41 172941.9 0.038267## 6 rs529787 G C 0.19713099 -0.0553 0.0052 8.746e-24 161969.0 0.001707## bzy_se bzy_pval bzy_n## 1 0.0092442 0.3845651000 184305## 2 0.0185515 0.4611690000 184305## 3 0.0141781 0.0330400000 184305## 4 0.0133438 0.0000000234 184305## 5 0.0118752 0.0012711000 184305## 6 0.0135491 0.8997431000 184305
## [1] 188 12

This is the input format for the GSMR analysis. In this data set, there are 188 quasi-independent SNPs associated with LDL-c at a genome-wide significance level (i.e. p < 5e-8).

  • SNP: the instrumental variable
  • a1: the effect allele
  • a2: the other allele
  • a1_freq: frequency of a1
  • bzx: the effect size of a1 on risk factor
  • bzx_se: standard error of bzx
  • bzx_pval: p value for bzx
  • bzx_n: per-SNP sample size of GWAS for the risk factor
  • bzy: the effect size of a1 on disease
  • bzy_se: standard error of bzy
  • bzy_pval: p value for bzy
  • bzy_n: per-SNP sample size of GWAS for the disease

1.2 Estimate the LD correlation matrix

# Save the genetic variants and effect alleles in a text file using Rwrite.table(gsmr_data[,c(1,2)],"gsmr_example_snps.allele", col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)# Extract the genotype data from a GWAS dataset using GCTAgcta64 --bfile gsmr_example --extract gsmr_example_snps.allele --update-ref-allele gsmr_example_snps.allele --recode --out gsmr_example

Note: the two steps above guarantee that the LD correlations are calculated based on the effect alleles of the SNPs.

# Estimate LD correlation matrix using Rsnp_coeff_id = scan("gsmr_example.xmat.gz", what="", nlines=1) snp_coeff = read.table("gsmr_example.xmat.gz", header=F, skip=2)
# Match the SNP genotype data with the summary datasnp_id = Reduce(intersect, list(gsmr_data$SNP, snp_coeff_id)) gsmr_data = gsmr_data[match(snp_id, gsmr_data$SNP),] snp_order = match(snp_id, snp_coeff_id) snp_coeff_id = snp_coeff_id[snp_order] snp_coeff = snp_coeff[, snp_order]# Calculate the LD correlation matrixldrho = cor(snp_coeff)# Check the size of the correlation matrix and double-check if the order of the SNPs in the LD correlation matrix is consistent with that in the GWAS summary datacolnames(ldrho) = rownames(ldrho) = snp_coeff_id
## [1] 188 188
# Show the first 5 rows and columns of the matrixldrho[1:5,1:5]
## rs10903129 rs12748152 rs11206508 rs11206510 rs10788994## rs10903129 1.000000000 -0.0045378845 0.008066621 -0.01372112 -0.0234447102## rs12748152 -0.004537884 1.0000000000 -0.006687181 0.00445927 0.0003629201## rs11206508 0.008066621 -0.0066871806 1.000000000 -0.21125757 0.0512593434## rs11206510 -0.013721120 0.0044592696 -0.211257567 1.00000000 -0.1842706205## rs10788994 -0.023444710 0.0003629201 0.051259343 -0.18427062 1.0000000000

Note: all the analyses implemented in this R-package only require GWAS summary data (e.g., “gsmr_data”) and a LD correlation matrix computed from a reference sample (e.g., “ldrho”)

2. Standardization

This is an optional process. If the risk factor was not standardised in GWAS, the effect sizes can be scaled using the method below. Note that this process requires allele frequencies, z-statistics, and sample size. After scaling, bzxis interpreted as the per-allele effect of a SNP on the exposure in standard deviation units.

snpfreq = gsmr_data$a1_freq# allele frequencies of the SNPsbzx = gsmr_data$bzx# effects of the instruments on risk factorbzx_se = gsmr_data$bzx_se# standard errors of bzxbzx_n = gsmr_data$bzx_n# GWAS sample size for the risk factorstd_zx = std_effect(snpfreq, bzx, bzx_se, bzx_n)# perform standardisationgsmr_data$std_bzx = std_zx$b# standardized bzxgsmr_data$std_bzx_se = std_zx$se# standardized bzx_sehead(gsmr_data)
## SNP a1 a2 a1_freq bzx bzx_se bzx_pval bzx_n bzy## 1 rs10903129 A G 0.45001947 -0.0328 0.0037 3.030e-17 169920.0 0.008038## 2 rs12748152 T C 0.08087758 0.0499 0.0066 3.209e-12 172987.5 0.013671## 3 rs11206508 A G 0.14396988 0.0434 0.0055 2.256e-14 172239.0 0.030222## 4 rs11206510 C T 0.19128911 -0.0831 0.0050 2.380e-53 172812.0 -0.074519## 5 rs10788994 T C 0.18395430 0.0687 0.0049 8.867e-41 172941.9 0.038267## 6 rs529787 G C 0.19713099 -0.0553 0.0052 8.746e-24 161969.0 0.001707## bzy_se bzy_pval bzy_n std_bzx std_bzx_se## 1 0.0092442 0.3845651000 184305 -0.03055942 0.003447252## 2 0.0185515 0.4611690000 184305 0.04713698 0.006234550## 3 0.0141781 0.0330400000 184305 0.03829018 0.004852442## 4 0.0133438 0.0000000234 184305 -0.07181919 0.004321251## 5 0.0118752 0.0012711000 184305 0.06149455 0.004386074## 6 0.0135491 0.8997431000 184305 -0.04695042 0.004414868

3. GSMR analysis

This is the main analysis of this R-package. It uses SNPs associated with the risk factor (e.g., those with p < 5e-8) as the instruments variables to test for a putative causal effect of the risk factor on the disease. The analysis involves a step that uses theHEIDI-outlierfiltering approach to remove SNPs that have effects on both the risk factor and the disease because of pleiotropy.

Note: This vignette uses the new global HEIDI algorithm for demonstration purpose. If you want to use the original HEIDI method, simply replace “multi_snps_heidi_thresh” to “single_snp_heidi_thresh” and set “gsmr2_beta = 0”. If you encounter any error, please raise an issue on our GSMR2 GitHub page.

bzx = gsmr_data$std_bzx# SNP effects on the risk factorbzx_se = gsmr_data$std_bzx_se# standard errors of bzxbzx_pval = gsmr_data$bzx_pval# p-values for bzxbzy = gsmr_data$bzy# SNP effects on the diseasebzy_se = gsmr_data$bzy_se# standard errors of bzybzy_pval = gsmr_data$bzy_pval# p-values for bzyn_ref =7703# Sample size of the reference sample used to calculate the LD matrixgwas_thresh =5e-8# GWAS threshold to select SNPs as the instruments for the GSMR analysismulti_snps_heidi_thresh =0.01# p-value threshold for multi-SNP-based HEIDI-outlier analysisnsnps_thresh =10# the minimum number of instruments required for the GSMR analysisheidi_outlier_flag =T# flag for HEIDI-outlier analysisld_r2_thresh =0.05# LD r2 threshold to remove SNPs in high LDld_fdr_thresh =0.05# FDR threshold to remove the chance correlations between the SNP instrumentsgsmr2_beta =1# 0 - the original HEIDI-outlier method; 1 - the new global HEIDI-outlier methodgsmr_results = gsmr(bzx, bzx_se, bzx_pval, bzy, bzy_se, bzy_pval, ldrho, snp_coeff_id, n_ref, heidi_outlier_flag, gwas_thresh, single_snp_heidi_thresh, multi_snps_heidi_thresh, nsnps_thresh, ld_r2_thresh, ld_fdr_thresh, gsmr2_beta)# GSMR analysisfiltered_index=gsmr_results$used_index cat("The estimated effect of the exposure on outcome: ",gsmr_results$bxy)
## The estimated effect of the exposure on outcome: 0.3742488
cat("Standard error of bxy: ",gsmr_results$bxy_se)
## Standard error of bxy: 0.01832662
cat("P-value for bxy: ", gsmr_results$bxy_pval)
## P-value for bxy: 1.087098e-92
cat("Indexes of the SNPs used in the GSMR analysis: ", gsmr_results$used_index[1:5],"...")
## Indexes of the SNPs used in the GSMR analysis: 1 2 3 5 6 ...
cat("Number of SNPs with missing estimates in the summary data: ", length(gsmr_results$na_snps))
## Number of SNPs with missing estimates in the summary data: 0
cat("Number of non-significant SNPs: ", length(gsmr_results$weak_snps))
## Number of non-significant SNPs: 39
cat("Number of SNPs in high LD ( LD rsq >", ld_r2_thresh,"): ", length(gsmr_results$linkage_snps))
## Number of SNPs in high LD ( LD rsq > 0.05 ): 0
cat("Number of pleiotropic outliers: ", length(gsmr_results$pleio_snps))
## Number of pleiotropic outliers: 10

4. Bi-directional GSMR analysis

The script below runs a bi-directional GSMR analysis, i.e., a forward GSMR analysis as described above and a reverse GSMR analysis that uses SNPs associated with the disease (e.g., those with p < 5e-8) as the instrumental variables to test for a putative causal effect of the disease on risk factor.

gsmr_results = bi_gsmr(bzx, bzx_se, bzx_pval, bzy, bzy_se, bzy_pval, ldrho, snp_coeff_id, n_ref, heidi_outlier_flag, gwas_thresh, multi_snps_heidi_thresh, nsnps_thresh, ld_r2_thresh, ld_fdr_thresh, gsmr2_beta)# GSMR analysiscat("Effect of risk factor on disease: ",gsmr_results$forward_bxy)
## Effect of risk factor on disease: 0.3742488
cat("Standard error of bxy in the forward-GSMR analysis: ",gsmr_results$forward_bxy_se)
## Standard error of bxy in the forward-GSMR analysis: 0.01832662
cat("P-value of bxy in the forward-GSMR analysis: ", gsmr_results$forward_bxy_pval)
## P-value of bxy in the forward-GSMR analysis: 1.087098e-92
cat("Effect of disease on risk factor: ",gsmr_results$reverse_bxy)
## Effect of disease on risk factor: -0.02809529
cat("Standard error of bxy in the reverse-GSMR analysis: ",gsmr_results$reverse_bxy_se)
## Standard error of bxy in the reverse-GSMR analysis: 0.01013367
cat("P-value of bxy in the reverse-GSMR analysis: ", gsmr_results$reverse_bxy_pval)
## P-value of bxy in the reverse-GSMR analysis: 0.005563298

5. Visualization

effect_col = colors()[75] vals = c(bzx[filtered_index]-bzx_se[filtered_index], bzx[filtered_index]+bzx_se[filtered_index]) xmin = min(vals); xmax = max(vals) vals = c(bzy[filtered_index]-bzy_se[filtered_index], bzy[filtered_index]+bzy_se[filtered_index]) ymin = min(vals); ymax = max(vals) par(mar=c(5,5,4,2)) plot(bzx[filtered_index], bzy[filtered_index], pch=20, cex=0.8, bty="n", cex.axis=1.1, cex.lab=1.2, col=effect_col, xlim=c(xmin, xmax), ylim=c(ymin, ymax), xlab=expression(LDL~cholesterol~(italic(b[zx]))), ylab=expression(Coronary~artery~disease~(italic(b[zy])))) abline(0, gsmr_results$forward_bxy, lwd=1.5, lty=2, col="dim grey") nsnps = length(bzx[filtered_index])for( iin1:nsnps ) {# x axisxstart = bzx[filtered_index [i]] - bzx_se[filtered_index[i]]; xend = bzx[filtered_index[i]] + bzx_se[filtered_index[i]] ystart = bzy[filtered_index[i]]; yend = bzy[filtered_index[i]] segments(xstart, ystart, xend, yend, lwd=1.5, col=effect_col)# y axisxstart = bzx[filtered_index[i]]; xend = bzx[filtered_index[i]] ystart = bzy[filtered_index[i]] - bzy_se[filtered_index[i]]; yend = bzy[filtered_index[i]] + bzy_se[filtered_index[i]] segments(xstart, ystart, xend, yend, lwd=1.5, col=effect_col) }

Package Document


The bi-directional GSMR analysis is composed of a forward and a reverse GSMR analysis that uses SNPs associated with the disease (e.g., those with < 5e-8) as the instrumental variables to test for a putative causal effect of the disease on the risk factor.


bi_gsmr(bzx, bzx_se, bzx_pval, bzy, bzy_se, bzy_pval, ldrho, snpid, heidi_outlier_flag=T, gwas_thresh=5e-8, single_snp_heidi_thresh=0.01, multi_snps_heidi_thresh=0.01, nsnps_thresh=10, ld_r2_thresh=0.05, ld_fdr_thresh=0.05, gsmr2_beta=1)



vector, SNP effects on risk factor


vector, standard errors of bzx


vector, p values for bzx


vector, SNP effects on disease


vector, standard errors of bzy


vector, p values for bzy


LD correlation matrix of the SNPs


instrumental variables (i.e., SNPs)


sample size of the reference sample that used to calculate LD matrix


HEIDI-outlier filtering analysis


threshold p-value to select SNP instruments from GWAS for risk factor


p-value threshold for the single-SNP-based HEIDI-outlier filtering analysis


p-value threshold for multi-SNP-based HEIDI-outlier filtering analysis


the minimum number of SNP instruments required for the GSMR analysis (we do not recommend users to set this number smaller than 10)


LD r2threshold to remove SNPs in high LD


An FDR threshold to remove chance correlations between the SNP instruments


Invoke the new global HEIDI-outlier filtering method in GSMR2 package. 0 - the original HEIDI-outlier filtering method, 1 - the new HEIDI-outlier filtering method


The estimated causative effect of risk factor on disease (forward_bxy), the corresponding standard error (forward_bxy_se), p-value (forward_bxy_pval) and SNP index (forward_index), andi the estimated causative effect of disease on risk factor (reverse_bxy), the corresponding standard error (reverse_bxy_se), p-value (reverse_bxy_pval), SNP index (reverse_index), SNPs with missing values, with non-significant p-values and those in LD.


GSMR (Generalised Summary-data-based Mendelian Randomisation) is a flexible and powerful Mendelian Randomization (MR) method that utilises GWAS summary statistics to test for a causal association between two phenotypes (e.g., a modifiable risk factor and a disease) based on a multi-SNP model.


gsmr(bzx, bzx_se, bzx_pval, bzy, bzy_se, ldrho, snpid, heidi_outlier_flag=T, gwas_thresh=5e-8, single_snp_heidi_thresh=0.01, multi_snps_heidi_thresh=0.01, nsnps_thresh=10, ld_r2_thresh=0.05, ld_fdr_thresh=0.05, gsmr2_beta=1)



vector, SNP effects on risk factor


vector, standard errors of bzx


vector, p values for bzx


vector, SNP effects on disease


vector, standard errors of bzy


LD correlation matrix of the SNPs


Instrument variables (i.e., SNPs)


sample size of the reference sample that used to calculate the LD matrix


HEIDI-outlier filtering analysis


p-value threshold for single-SNP-based HEIDI-outlier analysis


p-value threshold for multi-SNP-based HEIDI-outlier analysis


threshold p-value to select SNP instruments from GWAS for risk factor


the minimum number of SNP instruments required for the GSMR analysis (we do not recommend users to set this number smaller than 10)


LD r2threshold to remove SNPs in high LD


An FDR threshold to remove chance correlations between the SNP instruments


Invoke the new global HEIDI-outlier filtering method in GSMR2 package. 0 - the original HEIDI-outlier filtering method, 1 - the new HEIDI-outlier filtering method


Estimate of causative effect of risk factor on disease (bxy), the corresponding standard error (bxy_se), p-value (bxy_pval), SNP index (used_index), SNPs with missing values, with non-significant p-values and those in LD.


Estimating standardized SNP effect from z-statistic, allele frequency, and sample size


std_effect(snp_freq, b, se, n)



vector, allele frequencies


vector, estimated SNP effects on the risk factor


vector, standard errors of b


vector, per-SNP sample sizes of GWAS for the risk factor


Standardised effect (b) and the corresponding standard error (se)


data("gsmr") std_effects = std_effect(gsmr_data$a1_freq, gsmr_data$bzx, gsmr_data$bzx_se, gsmr_data$bzx_n)