
  1. Zhang G,Zhu TF*.Mirror-image trypsin digestion and sequencing of D-proteins.Nature Chemistry, 16:592-598, (2024). (Highlighted byChemistry World) [PDF]
  2. Xu Y,Zhu TF*.Mirror-image T7 transcription of chirally inverted ribosomal and functional RNAs.Science, 378:405-412, (2022). (Highlighted byScience[PDF],Nature[PDF],Singularity Hub, andC&EN) [PDF]
  3. Chen J,Chen M,Zhu TF*.Directed evolution and selection of biostable L-DNA aptamers with a mirror-image DNA polymerase.Nature Biotechnology, 40:1601-1609, (2022). [PDF]
  4. Fan C#,Deng Q#,Zhu TF*.Bioorthogonal information storage in L-DNA with a high-fidelity mirror-imagePfuDNA polymerase.Nature Biotechnology, 39:1548-1555, (2021). (Highlighted byScience,, andC&EN) [PDF]
  5. Chen J,Chen M,Zhu TF*.Translating protein enzymes without aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.Chem, 7:786-798, (2021). [PDF]
  6. Ling JJ#,Fan C#,Qin H,Wang M,Chen J, Wittung-Stafshede P,Zhu TF*.Mirror-image 5S ribonucleoprotein complexes.Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 59:3724-3731, (2020). [PDF]
  7. Qin N#,*,Liang P#, Wu C#,Wang G, Xu Q, Xiong X, Wang T, Zolfo M, Segata N,Qin H, Knight R, Gilbert JA*,Zhu TF*.Longitudinal survey of microbiome associated with particulate matter in a megacity.Genome Biology, 21:55, (2020). [PDF]
  8. Zhang B#,Deng Q#, Zuo C, Yan B, Zuo C, Cao XX,Zhu TF, Zheng JS*, Liu L*.Ligation of soluble but unreactive peptide segments in the chemical synthesis of Haemophilus Influenzae DNA ligase.Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 58:12231-12237, (2019). [PDF]
  9. Wang M#,Jiang W#,Liu X#, Wang J#, Zhang B,Fan C, Liu L,Pena-Alcantara G,Ling JJ,Chen J,Zhu TF*.Mirror-image gene transcription and reverse transcription.Chem, 5:848-857, (2019). [PDF]
  10. Liu X,Zhu TF*.Sequencing mirror-image DNA chemically.Cell Chemical Biology, 25:1151-1156, (2018). [PDF]
  11. Wang G#, Du M#, Wang J*,Zhu TF*.Genetic variation may confound analysis of CRISPR-Cas9 off-target mutations.Cell Discovery, 4:18, (2018). [PDF]
  12. Kayani MU#, Doyle SM#, Sangwan N,Wang G, Gilbert JA*, Christner BC*,Zhu TF*.Metagenomic analysis of basal ice from an Alaskan glacier.Microbiome, 6:123, (2018). [PDF]
  13. Jiang W#, Zhang B#,Fan C#,Wang M#, Wang J,Deng Q,Liu X,Chen J, Zheng J, Liu L*,Zhu TF*.Mirror-image polymerase chain reaction.Cell Discovery, 3:17037, (2017). [PDF]
  14. Pontefract A,Zhu TF, Walker VK, Hepburn H, Lui C, Zuber MT, Ruvkun G, Carr CE*.Microbial diversity in a hypersaline sulfate lake: a terrestrial analog of ancient Mars.Frontiers in Microbiology, 8:1819, (2017). [PDF]
  15. Xu W#,Jiang W#, Wang J#,Yu L#,Chen J,Liu X, Liu L*,Zhu TF*.Total chemical synthesis of a thermostable enzyme capable of polymerase chain reaction.Cell Discovery, 3:17008, (2017). [PDF]
  16. Su HW#, Zhu JH#, Li H, Cai RJ, Ealand C, Wang X, Chen YX,Kayani MU,Zhu TF, Moradigaravand D, Huang H, Kana BD, Javid B*.The essential mycobacterial amidotransferase GatCAB is a modulator of specific translational fidelity.Nature Microbiology, 1:16147, (2016). [PDF]
  17. Wang Z#,Xu W#, Liu L*,Zhu TF*.A synthetic molecular system capable of mirror-image genetic replication and transcription.Nature Chemistry, 8:698-704, (2016). (Highlighted byNature[PDF],Scientific American,C&EN, andF1000Prime) [PDF]
  18. Jiang W*,Zhu TF*.Targeted isolation and cloning of 100-kb microbial genomic sequences by Cas9-assisted targeting of chromosome segments.Nature Protocols, 11:960-975, (2016). [PDF]
  19. Jiang W, Zhao X, Gabrieli T, Lou C*, Ebenstein Y*,Zhu TF*.Cas9-Assisted Targeting of CHromosome segments CATCH enables one-step targeted cloning of large gene clusters.Nature Communications, 6:8101, (2015). [PDF]
  20. Zheng Y#,Kayani MU#,Zhu TF*.Rapid identification of multi-strain HBV infection in patient by high-throughput DNA sequencing.Quantitative Biology, 3:103-106, (2015). [PDF]
  21. Jiang W,Liang P, Wang B, Fang J, Lang J, Tian G, Jiang J,Zhu TF*.Optimized DNA extraction and metagenomic sequencing of airborne microbial communities.Nature Protocols, 10:768-779, (2015). [PDF]
  22. Cao C,Jiang W#, Wang B#, Fang J, Lang J, Tian G*, Jiang J*,Zhu TF*.Inhalable microorganisms in Beijing's PM2.5and PM10pollutants during a severe smog event.Environmental Science & Technology, 48:1499-1507, (2014). (Web of Science 'Highly Cited Paper': top 1% of the field; Highlighted byNature[PDF],Scientific American,Popular Science,The Scientist,Los Angeles Times, andBusiness Insider) [PDF]

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