
Interested parties may contact Prof. Ting Zhu regarding the following patents:

  1. Zhu T, Ebenstein Y, Lou C, Jiang W, Zhao X, Gabrieli T. Methods and kits for fragmenting DNA. (WO2016178207 A1)
    Licensee (non-exclusive): Sage Science, Inc.
    Product: SageHLS HMW Library System

In addition, we are happy to share the following reagents with academic users upon request:

  1. Long-insert BAC plasmid pCC1BAC-T for vector preparation for CATCH cloning.
    Jiang W, Zhao X, Gabrieli T, Lou C, Ebenstein Y, Zhu TF.Cas9-Assisted Targeting of CHromosome segments CATCH enables one-step targeted cloning of large gene clusters.Nature Communications, 6:8101, (2015).
    Jiang W, Zhu TF.Targeted isolation and cloning of 100-kb microbial genomic sequences by Cas9-assisted targeting of chromosome segments.Nature Protocols, 11(5):960-975, (2016).